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Detective Conan World


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Aeyra last won the day on November 23 2016

Aeyra had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

260 Excellent

1 Follower

About Aeyra

  • Rank
    The Bad Artist
  • Birthday 10/03/1997

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  1. Hey, happy birthday Aeyra!

  2. aeyra hey <3

  3. I know it's late, but happy birthday! Hope you had a great and amazing day!

  4. Finished rereading DC and am rewriting my fanfiction. Anyone still here from my time at DCW? XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      Yup, it'e gonna be a cold day in hell when I retire.

    3. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      Still hanging on, unfortunately. :P

      It's very nice to see you again!

    4. Black Demon

      Black Demon

      Hi Aeyra, long time no see!

  5. Finished rereading DC and am rewriting my fanfiction. Anyone still here from my time at DCW? XD

  6. Just finished rereading DC and am rewriting my fanfiction. Anyone still here from my time at DCW? XD

  7. Hm, I've been away for who knows how long... but just finished rereading DC and am rewriting my fanfiction. Anyone still here from my time at DCW? XD

  8. Someone cheerful, funny, and can bring my mood up. :3 They should be accepting and like me for who I am, and love my flaws, and I should be able to love them for the same things as well. (totally did not come up with that description after playing Motto Gakuensai and realizing how in love I am with Eiji's personality- *is shot*)
  9. ... someone define 'crackship' for me, because I'm having an argument with someone who says any two people who have met and talked can be considered a non-crack couple. >.> As far as I'm concerned, just because two characters have MET (this is seriously their only requirement) does not make them a couple. What do you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A L

      A L

      Yes, like ShinichixKazuha.

    3. Miss Smiles

      Miss Smiles

      Could they possibly joking and messing with you?

      Probably they find you look serious they want to know do you know them well. If they're not funny; they won't care much if someone ask

    4. Aeyra


      No, they aren't joking with me. THEY'RE FREAKING SERIOUS. The irritating part is that they're calling me a 'bad fan' and 'rude' and 'disrespectful' because I say some shippings are impossible in canon. >.>

  10. .... I've been gone for too long. When did the website look so darn fancy? O.o

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      About... Two days ago :P

  11. That shooting was a nightmare... even worse... I just found out my friend goes to a high school in the same town. I'm so happy the high school wasn't targeted, but... there's nothing worse than the death of children.

  12. And Happy Late Birthday.

  13. Hey Aeyra, have you've streamed any of your art lately?

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