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Everything posted by Aeyra

  1. Aeyra


    I drew Nero! http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/3516-nero-d/page__pid__261612#entry261612 It's not too good... But whatever. *shrugs* I'll write in a little bit. *********** "It's hard to decipher a sentence that doesn't even qualify as a sentence," complained Nero, eyes red with exhaustion. He had stayed up the whole night just staring, staring at the computer trying to figure out what 'six days left' possibly meant. Chaos's fate? That made him cringe. His own fate? A bit of fear. An overdue library book? Well, there wasn't anything proving it wasn't that! "Godammit..." he cursed, slamming his fist against the table, causing Aeyra, who was eating breakfast, to jump. "Want some coffee, Nero?" offered Ari, who had just returned with Starbucks. "You look tired- and very, very pissed." "Am I supposed to be happy?" he challenged, eyes red, purple bags underneath them. "Well too bad, I'm not. None of you get it." "We know you're upset, Nero, but you were the one who said we should-" started Aeyra, but she was cut off. "I know. Key word is should." His green eyes darkened, and for a moment, it seemed as if they were holding black fire. Flickering, leaping, dancing flames of cold fury. "I'm going for a walk. Don't come after me." A gun suddenly appeared in his hand, swinging around his finger like a toy. "I'm not responsible for what happens." ***************** Nero is quickly falling apart. Poor him.
  2. Aeyra

    Aeyra's art thread

    Oh lookie here! It's Nero, from the DCW... IRL? He looks completely different from my last interpretation (because I just realized the last one did not look 15... ... Yeah.) but I think this one is cooler. :3 I attempted to try and shade things right! However, it's still crappy because I don't know how! XD The eyes are a little off as well, and... yeah. But for about... an hour worth of my time, I guess it turned out okay. I also experimented with the lineart cuz one of my favorite artists on Deviantart, yassui, let us see one of her Sai documents... And it looked so good... Mine's hardly even a tenth as her lineart. Check her out! (she's a Pokemon artist, specializing in PokeSpe) Oh, and comment on my thing too. XD
  3. Aeyra

    Aeyra's art thread

    He's supposed to be yawning... But I failed the mouth, so I settled for a half-yawn. Because I was yawning as I drew it. *yawns* I'm tired. Thanks for the comment. :3
  4. Aeyra

    Aeyra's art thread

    Thanks! I love how things turn out good only when I'm not trying... Whenever I try to draw something serious, it looks terrible.
  5. Aeyra

    Aeyra's art thread

    Thanks. :3 <3 Thanks for the rep too!
  6. Aeyra


    I'm kind of confused now. What just happened? (Oh, BTW, Nero already knows who took Chaos. Someone told him. Exactly who it was I forget. But I remember there was a screaming match in which poor Krev lost use of his hearing for a few minutes...)
  7. Aeyra

    Aeyra's art thread

    I was bored. So I drew Shinichi in my position. Bored, sitting at the computer, wishing I didn't have to do my homework. (which I still have to do...) I was lazy in coloring it, but I think it turned out pretty good. XD This is probably how I'll start coloring my Nuzlockes.
  8. I'm pretty sure it's Unova. (or Isshu, whatever you want to call it. Unova= English name, Isshu= Japanese name.) It is the home of Black. He's very loud. :3 And he's waaaaaaay cooler than Ash. War (his Braviary) is the best!
  9. B-But... My Nuzlocke comic! D: I'm not even halfway done!

  10. I don't think I need any more distractions... Pokemon itself is already depriving me of waaaaaaaaaay too much sleep. (drawing, writing, playing... DX)

  11. Waste of space if I don't watch it. :P

  12. DC, Pokemon Adventures, Bakuman, Prince of Tennis (the older one), and... Code Geass: Nightmare of Nunnally. ;3
  13. Good luck with that. XD

  14. What if I say no? :V

  15. I enjoy being different. :V

  16. But I'm Nuzlocking XD! D: I'm trying to think of how I'm going to get the encounter rules to work though... Since there are no wild Pokemon (not really) in XD...

  17. Meh. XD I've heard of Sherlock before... But I don't watch TV in general. :3 Playing Pokemon XD... I'm about to start a Nuzlocke on that.

  18. Oh.. the 'No' was for Netflix. :V I think France is weird. I'm not too into any of the pairings really... My favorite character was China. I mainly watched Hetalia with my friend for a few hours and then completely forgot about it for the next... five months.

  19. No. :X I don't have a fav Hetalia pairing... I don't think I even support any. I just think certain characters are cooler than others. XD

  20. Happy Birthday. :3

  21. I got about 30 episodes into Hetalia and I have no idea what Sherlock is. :P (unless you mean Sherlock Holmes books... I've read about three of those.)

  22. Yup. :3 How's it going?

  23. Chelseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :D

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