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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Aeyra

  1. No. Not really.Anybody know what we're supposed to do?
  2. Aeyra

    corrupted wish

    Wish is granted, but I shall install an angry whip-poor-will outside your window. I wish that there was more time to do things.
  3. Aeyra

    corrupted wish

    We would hunt you down and kill you with machine guns and tanks. I wish Writer's Block didn't exist. And I wish I had more sleep time.
  4. What am I supposed to do again?
  5. Then I will kill you from another world. Mwa-hahahaha! What would you do if I burned down your house?
  6. Aeyra

    This or That

    I like the word micro better. What dictionary? What about the internet? ^-^ Physical Optics or Geometric Optics?
  7. Go on the internet and find out how to unlock a car without car keys with my iTouch. What would you do if your best friend suddenly started hating you?
  8. 1367... Let's see now... /\ No factors! Getting to one million will take forever.... Since I'm bored, I shall start naming digits of pi off the top of my head... 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862825 Not copied and pasted! (but my memory's a little rusty as my brain is dead write now.)
  9. Someone who somehow has over 1,600 posts.
  10. Sorry, I don't hate him, but I don't love him either. I just plain old don't care about him. Somebody with knowledge of geometric optics. (my science olympiad event that i placed fourth in!)
  11. Chocolate is great! I'd love my enemy, cuz I don't have any! Only rivals! Dark chocolate or Milk Chocolate?
  12. Nuh-uh! The manga entertains me so much more than the anime! Sometimes the anime messes up the art big time... I couldn't even watch some of the episodes without fake puking on the sideline. (a.k.a. *cough* *hack* *cough* My brother: Shut up, I'm trying to drive my Gumpert Apollo (Need for Speed Game.))
  13. Hey Chelsea! How's it going?

  14. Hello! Welcome to DCW! Have a good time! (cool username!)

  15. How do we get the staff to fix this? (I love the onion by the way. Where do you get them?)
  16. The chinese version was the first one I watched, but I prefer Japanese. I traded quality for understandability. ^-^
  17. I ban you for banning Mohorovicic. (who I shall ban later for banning me for my avatar.)
  18. I advise you to spell advise wrong. (advice is a noun!)
  19. So would i! :3 OMG that would be hilarious!
  20. Hello Kirite! Have fun here on DCW! (I know I have!) Check out my drawing! (it's under Drawings under Ran Drawing!) ^-^
  21. Bit hard to pronounce... Goldie! (cuz oro's in ur name)
  22. I failed my science competition! I only placed one event...

    1. conankoibito


      oh...that's ok...

      atleast you'd try your best..^^

    2. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      Better than what I could do (or bother to do). Well done.

    3. cheesecake1412


      wow,, but i think that was cool.. you participated olympiad?? great.. XD

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