Fossil records exist for humans. I don't know what you're talking about. <- There you go, proof for evolution. I still haven't found proof for Adam and Eve though. It reminds me of the myth of Pandora, which was also made earlier than the bible.
Look, no one can convince me that there is a god. I hate it when people try to pull me into their religion- no offense, but to me, believing in a god is like believing in sparkly, pink, invisible flying unicorns. I have no proof they exist. Nobody has offered me reasonable proof they exist. The most they can shove onto me is a book supposedly written by this god or by this sparkly, pink, invisible flying unicorn. Note about how I feel when people when people try disprove my disbelief in god, I get kind of *facepalm*. When you're trying to argue with someone, you're trying to prove your side. You ask me to disprove something that I don't believe exists. What I need you to do is prove it to me, and then I can answer.
You're right that I've never read a single book of the Bible. Hearing people talk about it is much more than enough for me though. My brother's read a couple books- I asked him why and he says he does it for the lulz. But I don't think you've spent as much time as I have reading science textbooks either, so we're even. And yes, I agree that some of the rules don't make sense unless you apply them to context. That's why the Bible is outdated.
Okay, I know this is partially my fault, but can we move off of religion now? The more and more I talk, the more and more liable I am to simply snap and start tearing religion apart piece by piece. I'd like to move back to advocating equality and the right to marry between homosexuals before I insult about a third of the world. Thanks.