I am heterosexual, but if I said I was lesbian or bi, would it really make that big of a difference? I didn't change anything about me- all I did was say four words. "I am a lesbian." How does this completely warp people's perceptions? It's as if the moment a person says these words, in the eyes of some, they are aliens. Different from before. Different from them. Disgusting. Revolting. All because- well, they're different. Because they're not afraid to admit that they love, that they love those of their own gender. Love is love. In Ancient Rome, gay marriage was common, accepted, and people never batted an eye. No one thought it was strange!
It's not a bad thing to be different. It's not always a good thing either. But as far as accepting the LGBT community goes, I believe that their difference, their acceptance of these differences, the support we can provide them as a community- that is a good thing.
Even if you don't agree with being gay, lesbian, bi, or transsexual, I beg you to support the rights of this often criticized community. I am heterosexual. I am what is currently defined as 'normal.' And I feel as strongly for the rights of this community as I would for my own. Since when did people gain the right to tell others who they can and cannot love? I know the strongest force of opposition to the LGBT community is religion. I am an atheist, so I'm not an expert on the subject, but the Bible shouldn't be held above the law. If I were lesbian, I would be outraged, and I am angry about the utter ridiculousness that this is even a problem, that a book I don't even believe in is dictating my freedom and tearing my right to pursuit happiness into shreds. In the United States especially, our laws call for a separation of church and state. Our constriction tells us that we have a right to rebel against our government for impairing us of our right to pursuit happiness. Not that I'm advocating rebellion or anything, but I want my point to be seen. Don't let your views get in the way of other's happiness. It's like if I don't like a sport, do I go out of the way shouting "I hate football! It's a stupid sport, and everyone who plays it is an abomination and it shouldn't be allowed!" ? Hell NO. Same difference.
I remember a beautiful passage from 'To Kill a Mockingbird' about racism, and if you have not heard me say this before, I will let it be known that I feel homophobia is the new racism. To judge on sexuality is just as petty and superficial as judging on skin color. Atticus Finch says that people are instantly judged for something they can't control, that no certain community is solely responsible for immoral actions. The gay community has done no wrong as a whole except come out to the world. As individuals, they have made mistakes, but the same can be said of every other community on our planet. To profile a gay person because of their sexuality is identical to me going to up to a Hispanic person and accuse them of being an illegal immigrant, a drug dealer, and whatever other stereotypes cons up to mind. The problem is, only second is viewed as wrong by far too much of our world.
My words might have strengthened your beliefs, changed them, or simply have you turned you off to the idea completely. But I will let you know that I mean all of what I say, and that I'm standing behind this community all the way. I am not afraid to fly a rainbow flag, I am not afraid to announce that I support gay marriage. I know that they are still humans like me, people like me- people who love, who feel, who suffer, who cry, who want to be respected, just like me. Just like everyone. I refuse to hate them for their choice of love, and instead, I will love them for their bravery. I will stand, with utmost confidence, and freely admit that I support them. And I hope that you will join me, whether you be gay or lesbian, bi or transsexual, or heterosexual like me. I hope you realize that this is just another stepping stone towards equality, one that needs to be dealt with now. I don't want to live another day in a world that says my friends aren't equal to us, that they can't have my rights because they are different from the majority. But I have to, and I will fight. This is a fight I have to win, for my friends who are part of the LGBT community, for the ones who suffer from the laws made against them. Please, I beg you, I want you, I need you to fight with me for this. This won't be won by one person or even a thousand or a million. This will be a long and tenuous fight, this will need all the people we can get. But we will never let a white flag fly. The only colors we will want to see are every color- the rainbow that connects the earth to the sky. The connection that can bring us ever closer to equality. Thank you for reading. I can only hope I have made an impact on you.