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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Parkur

  1. I haven't been tweeting @katearthsis nearly enough

  2. Parkur

    Secret Santa

    I'm in because Jeans is <333333333333333
  3. I speak the truth and I enjoy doing it

  4. Gonna work on losing weight now, gonna be tough as shit

    1. angelranchan


      goodluck!! xDD watch the diet tips in DC ep 635? haha!!

    2. Black Demon

      Black Demon

      I didn't know that you're overweight... :V

  5. Apple Bloom needs to spend every second of every episode tap dancing
  6. okay, i'm off to bed, good night

  7. <3333333333333333333333333333

    *hugs jeans*

    And I'll go to sleep to make you happy :P

  8. she has a new theme? o.O

  9. I told you that cameraman was suspicious
  10. *gives cake to jeans* <3333333333333

  11. I told you they'd find out, C Bear D:
  12. of course, as always <3333333333333

  13. awww <33333

    What Jeans says matters too <3333

  14. and they did it for no reason too

  15. i think it's a fair compromise :P

  16. I loved that show in general, robin was actually a badass for once

  17. sorry, but you have to do the initiation...all...over...again >:D

  18. jeans and i should be secret lovers
  19. there has to be some sort of compromise :(

  20. I'm butting into this conversation because I heard Teen Titans

  21. *hugs jeans*

    you don't wanna talk to me? :(

  22. I'd rather talk to jeans :(

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