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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Parkur

  1. I still hate Daniel Bryan's beard

  2. BE A STAR! RT @divadirt: Eve Carjacks the Divas of Doom, Leaves Them Stranded http://t.co/KuJLUIaj

  3. The conan movies will never link together, or have anything to do with the actual plot, ever, this is false
  4. also mcintyre got a huge pop

  5. Adam Sandler sucks, and needs to go away

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      I found him funny when I was younger. He was also funnier before he had kids... What is with kids removing funny from good comedians?

  6. I don't even know why I'm so pissed right now, all I know is that everyone needs to fuck off

  7. I literally don't know why I retweeted that since I hate companies who want you to retweet shit just so they'll donate money, but whatevs

  8. sounds legit to me RT @katearthsis: WHAT?! RT @sambain: Blondes can't be trusted. #fact

  9. It doesn't, but it made me laugh =X @CC: Also, this is awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPtHKPyMJVM&feature=player_embedded
  10. 765 Pro Allstars: why you gotta be so damn good?

  11. Why would anyone want to stay up to date with false information?
  12. *reads AILoveConan's comment* *cries* *runs away forever*
  13. omg moho you terrible person how come me and KKLT still aren't secret lovers?
  14. The fact that MM is nowhere near this chart makes me smile
  15. The amount of shinran in this movie was exactly where it should be
  16. if cousins don't go on this list, neither will neighbors
  17. I can imagine what JR said when @scottstanford1 turned heel "aw, son of a bitch!"

  18. I'm not good at this stuff so what program are you guys using?=x
  19. the fact that MM is nowhere near this chart makes me very happy But why is there no connection between me and KKLT? And why is Jd- there when he's not a dcw member?
  20. scott stanford heel turn!

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