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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Parkur

  1. snapple rocks, but you should try sobe as well :)

  2. Have you ever had Sobe?

  3. What does it say about me when I'm excited to get a new facial cleanser?

    1. IdentityUnknown


      ^ I agree with Mark. :V

    2. Parkur
    3. IdentityUnknown


      :P Just kidding Parkur. It probably means you need one and need something to be excited about.
    4. Show next comments  213 more
  4. I can tell :V

    Pretty sure I've had it before, but I can't remember what it tastes like

  5. oh man, fruit juice is my life

    (also, getting very annoyed at that kuroba guy asking me about you)

  6. omg, you're awesome, those fruits rock! I also love watermelons

  7. Same here, I hate dressing up
  8. btw, what kind of fruit do you like? :P

  9. well thank you! :D

    *gives you some fruit*

  10. nothing much, I am super hungry though

  11. you people are the worst nicknamers on the planet
  12. Parkur x magicbulletgirl! \o/
  13. *performs an exorcism*


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