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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by blueberry

  1. hahahahaha how can you kill me? thats impossible because I am actually ............ .......... .......... you're mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I voted for Kazuha-chan and I'll vote for shinichi and Ai when the next round comes hope they all win
  3. blueberry


    YES I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE ......... i guess its okay Rom-chan cellphones aren't that important but its stupid how a bunch of six years kids have them I have an idea I am going to steal shuu-kun's blackberry and one of his classmate's blackberry one for me and one for you muahhahaa
  4. nope we don't have national tests because each state has different standards and different books etc. but we have state tests and the fun thing is that the test doesn't count as part of your grade its only to decide what class you're going to have next year for example if you get a professional score in the math test you would have honors algebra if you get less than that you would have algebra and if you fail or barely pass you would have algebra readiness so almost 80% of the students in my school don't even care about the CST because it doesn't effect their grade
  5. someone who has an avatar of a brown-headed conan-kun
  6. someone who misspelled "oh really" I am just kidding spelling isn't that important
  7. someone who made the exact same spelling mistake and trust me I am not good at grammar
  8. haha that crazy laugh was totally awesome!!!!! say can you teach me how to do it
  9. don't worry Hatsu chan there is already a Shinran page and there are more people than the AiCon one :D :D
  10. hmm looks like the power of love is pulling you to the good side (haha i am just kidding) be a ShinRan be a ShinRan
  11. lol so what are they gonna do? "you missed the test you can't retake it" why!?!
  12. lol its okay you're not taking an English test
  13. but thats exactly what made it awesome
  14. no thats incorrect you can i was really sick one day and it was the day we were taking the CST(California standards test)which is a state exam and I retook it the next day with more than 30 people.
  15. since when people started liking evil murders!! honestly ?! killing is never a cool thing!
  16. yes I am catholic but DC is an anime so it doesn't count and I was just kidding with you haha
  17. _______(you forgot to add the ----- or ----- and you didn't answer my question) cakes or cookies
  18. blueberry (obviously) or
  19. lol of course its not bad I don't know you very well so that was all I could came up with and who said that its bad and i like Akai (the character) but arguing with Akai (member) is one of my hobbies jk
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