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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Not to mention they have created their own official YouTube channel, where the PVs for Don't Wanna Lie, C'mon, and Sayonara are available to view.
  2. As Chekhov has mentioned before, James Black is one of the few people with an alibi.
  3. Happy birthday!

  4. 18 eggs, only 5 total shinies, 2 total Pichu, and 0 total shiny Pichu.

    1. Akazora



      Yeah, I forgot about the newer ones. I keep thinking about the older more classic Pokemon.


      Sorry, but I have to agree with Moho this time.

    2. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      Random note: I prefer the Rain Dance/Swift Swim/Thunder combination, as shown in my standard team: http://tinyurl.com/5s25ejw

    3. Samantha


      Eelektross are AWESOME. They can learn stuff like Acrobatics, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Dragon Pulse...... :P

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  5. Hear, hear. The fifth generation Pokemon are crazy. There's a chandelier, a coffin, a gangster, a garbage bag, an emo, etc. I mean, those things aren't even animals anymore!

  6. I have a lot of favorites. Hmmm... Just to name a few: Pikachu, Charizard, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, Zekrom, Zoroark, Lugia. But I like a lot more, and it's hard for me to choose a favorite.

  7. Yeah, I know, but I still hope for something involving the BO. Even if it's just a new member being introduced than killed (like in both M-5 and M-13), it would be better than this disaster we had for OVA 11.
  8. Movie 4: yes. Movie 11: no. I'm surprised there are still M-11 fans out there.
  9. What would be interesting is if Sera turns out to have the BO scent, and all the theories about her being Akai's sister are twisted. The only possible explanations for her having the BO scent are that she was a former BO member or that she's really Bourbon in disguise.
  10. I'm surprised as well that no one else has seemed to point this out. Kazuha and Ran disappeared after Kazuha made up her mind about confessing. Heiji doesn't seem to be acting any different, but then again, guys don't really show how affected they are by love and stuff (I'm not saying they aren't affected, just that they don't usually show they're affected). Anyway, back to the case... I'm actually happy that we've gotten back to more exciting mysteries. I'm a mystery fan, so I love murders that start working like this. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a speculator, so I have no idea who the murderer is.
  11. The more and more I read all the arguments for AiCon, I get more and more scared. As a devoted ShinRan, I'm sticking to my guns until I die. I respect all the AiCons and their arguments, but I really can not accept Shinichi running off with Shiho. As people have mentioned before, Shinichi and Ran were just meant to be. Can Shinichi eventually fall in love with Shiho if given enough time? Well, of course, anyone can theoretically fall in love with anyone. But Shinichi and Ran share something more than just love. It's hard to explain, but sort of think of it this way. Shinichi and Shiho can only share a relationship similar to that of two fitting Lego pieces. Shinichi and Ran on the other hand share a relationship similar to that of two fitting magnetic Lego pieces bonded with super glue. The connection of the Lego pieces represents love. The magnetic force and super glue is that small little something special that holds it together. Just my view point on things.
  12. Have a very very happy birthday!

    Enjoy it!

  13. I've now hatched 12 eggs, still no shiny Pichu... Ah, Kid the Phantom Thief, I have in my possession at this moment: Red, Yellow, Gold (dry batteries), Crystal (emulated on iTouch), Sapphire, Ruby (illegal), Emerald, Leaf Green, Fire Red (illegal), Dimaond (two copies), Pearl, and White.

    1. Samantha


      I've got....Sapphire, Firered, Blue Rescue Team, Ranger, Pearl, Platinum, SoulSilver, Explorers of Time, Darkness, Sky, and Black.

    2. Samantha


      Oh wait, I forgot Guardian Signs. :|

    3. Sayomi


      @KtPT: He doesn't LIKE Pokemon... he's ADDICTED to Pokemon >:D

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  14. The 32nd opening for Detective Conan will be called Misty Mystery by Garnet Crow. Official Opening Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg6uq1d2yws
  15. Thanks for the find, Kyuu. I'm a B'z fan myself, and I'm looking forward to their first ever ending appearance. Though, since endings are usually slower paced than the openings, I'm wondering how B'z and DC will be able to pull this off. But, nonetheless, I'm really exciting for this. And I'm also curious about that new opening that's coming up as well...
  16. I think you mean OP-25, featuring Revive by Mai Kuraki. That one was pretty good, too.
  17. Or you could just got to Chekhov for advice. She seems to pinpoint the hints Gosho has given that most of us seem to ignore.
  18. So much for the 50% chance...

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      <_< You're quite the Pokémon fan, eh? :P Well, it's great, I agree!! :P Hmm.. What games do you have?? I only have Diamond and Pearl.. Though I've played LeafGreen on the PC!! ;D And my oldest brother have.. SoulSilver, I think..? And he's also got Black!! ^_^ Then my second oldest brother's got Pokémon White!! :P
    2. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Oh, and I've completed both Diamond and Pearl!! :P

    3. Samantha


      Yay, fellow Pokemon fans. XD That kinda stinks.....a shiny Raichu would have been awesome.

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  19. Have a very happy birthday!

    Enjoy it, 'cause it only comes a year!

  20. Managed to upload the full PV for Don't Wanna Lie on YouTube. I just hope they don't remove it in the future.

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief
    2. hopes


      I WANNA SEE!!

    3. Akazora


      Just type in "b'z don't wanna lie pv" into the search bar. It should be right there on the first page, maybe the third one down.

  21. Gosh, the copyright is so strict. I attempted to upload the full PV for Don't Wanna Lie on YouTube, and it was removed immediately...

    1. Miss Smiles

      Miss Smiles

      You didn't tick one of the box of reuse? o_O

    2. Miss Smiles

      Miss Smiles

      read my profile you understand.

    3. Akazora


      Okay, I shall try again.

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