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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Happy birthday!

  3. Happy birthday!

  4. Happy birthday!

  5. Hello, and welcome! I hope you find this site enjoyable and maybe even a bit addicting. Remember, it never hurts to check back here every once in a while! And contributions to the wiki are welcomed with open arms! Please enjoy your stay! Have fun!
  6. Cynthia's Theme (BW) -- Pokemon Corporation (here)
  7. Have a happy birthday!

  8. Akazora

    HI DCW!!

    Welcome! I hope you find this place fun and addictive! It would be greatly appreciated if you helped to contribute. Thank you in advance and enjoy your stay!
  9. I like to keep my signatures nice and small so I don't get anyone angry. And I keep signatures on, even if the signatures get super sized.
  10. Wifi Connection Theme (BW) -- Pokemon Corporation (here)
  11. Hello there! Welcome! I hope you don't mind some of the craziness around here, but you'll get used to it. Hope you find this place welcoming! Enjoy your stay! Have fun!
  12. Avatar: 7/10 Kaito and Conan. 'Nuff said. Signature: 8/10 Nice picture (but it's quite large).
  13. Whoa... I'm not even going to ask how to pronounce that...
  14. I actually don't mind the style back then. It's sort of classic and stuff, so I'm good with that. The story plots weren't great I have to say, but a whole lot better than M-11's story plot.
  15. I'm still convinced Sera is Akai's sister. What makes you think Sera is from the BO?
  16. Me and my calculator say 9...
  17. Hmm, it's possible the original Boss could have already died, but it's also possible that the Boss has managed to stay young through some immortality drug.
  18. Hello and welcome! I hope you become more active on these forums. They really are fun when you start posting. By now you should know how this place works. Anyway, continue to have fun and enjoy your stay!
  19. I personally think the best answer is 9. You can't change the order in which you do things. You have to go from left to right, follow PEMDAS, etc. If you do that, 9 will turn out.
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