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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Like the rest of you, I can't wait for this "dark" movie either. I'm looking forward to many many deaths and a lot of action. M-14 was a disaster. It didn't have deaths or action. Just some funny rendition of Home Alone except it was Conan on an airship. That idea was just doomed from the start.
  2. Akazora


    Welcome! I hope you have an amazing time here! This place is quite fun and active as you might be able to tell. I hope you help even more by contributing your own input. Enjoy your stay!
  3. Thank god I have access to the computer today!

    Happy birthday!

    I'm glad I didn't miss it!

  4. Akazora


    Welcome! You're lucky I managed to catch your topic, because I'm not as active as I used to be... Anyway, I hope you have a great time here! This place can be really fun (as you might be able to tell). Enjoy your stay, and don't forget to contribute!
  5. The AC chose the worse possible time to break down.

    1. IdentityUnknown


      It always does. *glares at AC*

    2. dw5chaosfan


      I don't need one yet.

  6. If this is a soccer field, as the spoiler at the end of M-15 supposedly showed, any guesses on the title? I have a fan-made one. It's not very good: Shadow of the Stadium. I don't have much info to work with, so...
  7. Route 1 Theme (RBY) -- Pokemon Corporation (here)
  8. Avatar: 8/10 Same as always, starting to lose it's charm. Signature: 8/10 Pretty much the same, though you now have the Lonely Hearts Club ad up.
  9. Hard to read. Maybe if you make the font bigger? But I'm with you all the way!
  10. Unless, of course, the BO's main goal is really immortality. Then Yoko being young wouldn't be so much of a surprise.
  11. Welcome! I hope you have a great time here. You'll find this place to be addicting if you stop by every day or so.
  12. Sorry or my few day absence. My parents have been cracking down hard on my computer usage. If I am gone a few days or maybe even a whole week, don't fret. I haven't forgotten about DCW, I've just been banned from the computer. I wish I could do something about it, but I can't.

    1. Aeyra


      Just like Chelsea... *tears* I'll try my hardest not to be discovered...

    2. IdentityUnknown


      *pretends to be doing math* Hope nobody else gets banned...

    3. Anti-APTX4869


      I spend $9~15 to be on DCW(and play games). There's a PC bang around the corner. I also use my laptop secretly... I'm pro at it.

    4. Show next comments  342 more
  13. Have a happy birthday!

  14. Mohorovicic. I didn't know he converted. Really?
  15. Unus verum increbresco!

    1. Savior


      Increbresco? Wax? WAX is the one true?

  16. Well I'm flattered. I never actually thought my reasoning was all that solid. I guess because I didn't have much to work off of, but...
  17. Welcome, welcome! I hope you have a great time here! Don't mind Chelsea's strange greeting. She does that to everyone. Just have fun here and remember to contribute as much as you can! Have fun and enjoy your stay!
  18. Akazora


    I just think he's okay. He's not terribly ugly in any way, and it's hard to hate him or love him. I don't know, that's just my opinion.
  19. No idea. The problem is, I think she's at a friend's party, so she might not be online at all today. But don't quote me on this.

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