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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Violet/Olivine City Theme -- Pokemon Corporation (here)
  2. Have a happy happy birthday!

  3. I don't think I can add her, because I can only have 20 options, and there is no more space. Sorry!
  4. Welcome! Hope you continue to have a great time here! To add a pic to your sig, you have to copy and paste the image URL, and put it in the place that says URL when you click "Insert Image". If the picture is saved to your computer, then upload it to the Internet via Picasa or Photobucket or anything like that. Then just follow the steps listed above. Hope I helped!
  5. Welcome Will! It seems you are getting off to a nice start here in these forums. That's great! I hope you continue to post, and continue to have fun. Enjoy your stay!
  6. True, but he didn't appear much in that movie. They only used him as an excuse for the roller coaster not to blow up. Other than that, he was mentioned only once in a while, and appeared even less times than he was mentioned.
  7. Not only that part, but the part with the tape. I tried it once with a similar hotel door, and the tape kept on getting stuck and never closed the lock. Almost every single part of that case was a disaster.
  8. Have a happy birthday!

  9. Have a happy birthday!

  10. There probably is, since Ran doesn't even appear on the cover. And for some reason Ayumi is involved as well, so there might be something going on between her and Conan as well. I guess they excluded Ran because they focused a lot of attention on her in OVA 9. Not to mention, from what dreznovk has translated, I have this feeling in the back of mind that the BO might have their first OVA appearance. Since most of the OVAs have been funny and not too serious, they might want to change it up a bit with a BO appearance.
  11. Okay, okay. I'll do as you please...
  12. Azalea Town/Blackthorn City -- Pokemon Corporation (here)
  13. Avatar: 8/10 Just a bit small, but I like it! Signature: 6/10 Could do without all that crazy stuff going on, and it would be nice if you had a picture...
  14. But when you explained things, your "voice" got louder and you started to capitalized and bold your words... I guess you just got into the moment. I'm with you all the way.
  15. I see you made an N avatar! It's nice, just a bit on the small side.

  16. I'm sort of taking this from Xenonkid's topic about the most attractive guy, so I'll just put one up for most attractive gal. Pretty simple topic. If anyone wants to suggest another character, please do so! I think I mentioned just about everyone, but in case I did forget someone, let me know.
  17. Everyone is starting to find out...

    1. Akazora


      I'll be nice to her. If you don't trust me, keep in touch with Sayomi. She'll keep you up to date.

    2. Savior


      And what if you're holding a gun to her head to type wonders about you, huh? Are you? ARE YOU?

    3. IdentityUnknown



    4. Show next comments  354 more
  18. If you want to watch the movie, it is suggested that you either visit Japan or wait until October. As I mentioned before, for some strange reason, no one is willing to illegally obtain movies from Japan before the official DVD release. Maybe because the Japanese regulations on movies is a lot stricter than America (for all of you who live in America, we all know you can watch a movie on the Internet in pretty good quality long before the DVD release).
  19. Welcome, my dear (Ah ha, get it?). I hope you have a great time, like most of us had are having. Please enjoy your stay!
  20. Welcome! Have fun here! Enjoy your stay!
  21. I want to watch that movie, too! But since I haven't read the book yet, I guess I have to do that before I can watch the movie.
  22. I guess all of us get a bit lazy every once in a while, right?
  23. Akazora

    My Pictures...

    None taken. And the Conan one does look a bit weird. You've done better, why not share some of those with DCW?
  24. No offense, but M-14 wasn't that good. I'm not saying it's bad, but I'm not saying it's good either. And I don't get why people like Kaito so much. He's seriously getting a tad bit overused in the movies, and in the end he never plays a big role in most of them.
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