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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. No. (At least, I hope not.) Is it possible to not get any sleep for an entire three days straight and still get through life fine?
  2. Same here. Except, everyone at our school is Asian... Anyway, it's nice to see an official welcome, thought it sure was a lot to read. No need to tell you about how great DCW is or anything, I just hope you continue to be an active member. Don't fade away and die like some members have done.
  3. I guess I'll just stop by and say hello! It's not like I have to tell you to contribute, because you already did. Enjoy your stay!
  4. 49. Crazy people who think modern American songs are good.
  5. "...dead horses mouth?" "All that is gold doesn't..."
  6. Have a happy birthday!

  7. Happy b-day! Have a good one!

  8. "...I won the lottery!" "I love you. In this world, more than..."
  9. Came back from NJYS Play-athon. Now I have homework to do...

  10. 9. People who say they aren't smart when they really are.
  11. Someone who loves Gin (I don't know what else to say...)
  12. Maybe... but it wouldn't have that same charm. I also wouldn't want the BO to end. Because after that, there is no more meaning or excitement. Unless a new organization comes around.
  13. Don't worry. No offense taken. And maybe they are just a bit busy. Like, blueberry hasn't been on for months. Shuichi Akai only comes on a bit, and never does much any more. The mods have been extremely silent. Where is everyone from when I first joined!? They all disappeared! If they all continued to post, along with me, Aeyra, Moho, IdentityUnknown, etc. (Too many to list. Sorry if I left you out), things would be a lot more lively.
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