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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Avatar: 8/10 Same as it has always been. I like it. Signature: 9/10 ShinRan! And the quotes are nice, too.
  2. I agree with Eisuke, but I don't agree with the rest. Chianti and Korn are epic! I love snipers, though I prefer handhelds. But they're professional marksmen. I like that. And how could you not like Ran! Her personality is not that faulted! Look at Haibara! Seriously, she's no better.
  3. Akazora


    My nose isn't convex at all. Really nothing else to say...
  4. Welcome, welcome! It's nice to see people introduce themselves. Don't feel shy about it. Enjoy your stay! Have fun!
  5. Welcome! Your poll is quite out of the ordinary, and I'm not 100% comfortable voting on it, so... Anyway, it's great to see you're a DC fan, and it seems you already did a lot on this forum. Guess there isn't much else to say or do except say keep up the good work and enjoy your stay!
  6. Thinking about my English project...

  7. 35. Kill time by reading a book.
  8. I know, I know. Just wanted to put that out there anyway. Anyway, I'd like to see what part Sera will play. I hope this Sera arc is far from over. It would suck if Sera is just transferred and stops there. I hope she plays a role in moving the story plot along. I don't want this to be another Eisuke character.
  9. Someone who I haven't really fully met yet. Hello! Nice to meet you IdentityUnknown!
  10. (Apparently, we lost count along the way. I'll get it back on the right track.) 33. Pretend I'm still asleep.
  11. Welcome, welcome! It seems you alreay did a lot on this forum, but I'll say hi anyway!
  12. Hello and welcome! No, I haven't checked any episodes that have fallen on my birthday, but I'll have to look into that one day. I hope you have a great time here. Enjoy your stay!
  13. 21. Eat a nice big breakfast to get the day started.
  14. The links don't seem to work for me...
  15. 19. Yell at my brother for waking me up.
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