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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Your English is fine! Don't fret! And, what is your "strong" language? And where are you from? It's always nice to have someone from a foreign country join us here.
  2. Welcome! Have a nice stay, and don't forget to contribute to the wiki! I hope you become a daily user! We need more of those!
  3. 10 years?! Gosh, I've only been watching it for about a year (Not including the first episode I watched ages ago. I don't even remember that day very well, I just know I watched an episode). I'm only 13, so cut me some slack. Anyway, welcome and enjoy your stay! Because you're such an avid fan, why don't you try and contribute your DC knowledge with the wiki? I'm sure your feedback will be appreciated!
  4. Yeah! Another guy from China! Well, I'm not really from China myself, but I'm 100% Chinese and live in America, so... Anyway, welcome and enjoy your stay!
  5. They do make the best games. But, though I voted Wii, I would say that the GameCube is still the best Nintendo console. It had the best games, and it's a lot more reliable that the Wii. But Wii is the best that was listed as an option.
  6. Music of the Night -- Phantom of the Opera soundtrack
  7. Another Gin fan! Finally! Everyone likes Vermouth too much...
  8. Ah ha... poor xXLeration. You're such a devoted AiCon.
  9. I already watched that one. It's great. It's a must see!
  10. I wouldn't say it was a rip off. When I first watched it, I was completely confused. I didn't know why the BO was involved. I didn't know why Chianti and Korn shot out the tires of Takagi and Sato's car. I didn't know why Irish disguised himself as a police officer. I would have given up and said it was a terrible movie that made no sense whatsoever, but when I rewatched it and rewatched it again, I finally got it. Some lady (I forget her name, but she had a picture of herself hugging the Tropical Land mouse mascot) managed to get information about the BO on some computer chip. In order to get the chip back and silence the lady forever, they sent Irish to go undercover in the police force since she was a possible target in a serial killing. Takagi and Sato were sent to protect her, but Irish called Gin telling him of their plans. Gin then calls Chianti and Korn to delay the two police officers. The two snipers shoot out the front tires, delaying them enough so that Gin and Vodka could get to the lady's house. But she was already kidnapped and taken away, the chip nowhere to be found. Irish continues undercover in hopes of getting his hands on the chip which the killer had taken from the lady (the killer takes one item from each person he killed). Then, while on the top of Tokyo Tower, Irish manages to knock out the killer and his brother, getting his hand on the computer chip. Meanwhile, Irish had managed to figure out Conan's true identity. He was planning on returning Conan to the Boss to get Gin in trouble. But Ran gets in the way, and a battle starts. Ran is knocked out, and Irish and Conan take the battle outside. Irish had previously called Gin for backup. Little did he know that Gin was planning on killing him from the start. Gin, Vodka, Chianti and Korn arrive on an Apache helicopter. After Gin makes sure Irish really has the chip, Gin orders Chianti to shoot Irish. The chip tumbles out of Irish's hands and off the Tokyo Tower, lost forever. Irish later dies, but not before Gin realizes that another person viewed the whole transaction. That person was Conan. Gin and Vodka try to shoot Conan out, but Conan outsmarts them and flings a light fixture at the Apache, and Conan escapes. I don't know about you guys, but this movie really wasn't that bad. The murders were a bit stupid, but the BO's involvement (which a lot of people consider random) really wasn't. I think most people's mistake is watching the movie too quickly without fully understanding it all. I thought that this movie tied in great, and is my favorite. I don't think it's bad at all.
  11. You got the Gyarados!? Wow... I thought that would be the first to die... Because of the horrible type combo of Water and Flying. Ah well... I guess it got lucky!
  12. I would want to meet you, xXLeration! And, I would want to meet all the Admins and Mods, of course. Other people I would like to meet are Cheesus and blueberry. And Detective Gin, too.
  13. This wiki page brings up a lot of good points, but I'm still doubtful. If Akai and Conan and Rena planned it all out, then their behavior would be different. First off, everything is planned before Rena is returned to the BO. That means they might have suspected that Gin would order Kir to kill Akai. First off, that's a bit far fetched, but I can deal with it. But when Kir is really ordered by Gin to kill Akai, she is shocked and her eyes widen and turn grey for a few seconds, a sign that she wasn't anticipating it. That made me a bit hesitant to believe that they planned it that far in advance. And yet another hint is when Conan encounters the BO yet again. The next story arc, the one with the red sweaters and the BO trying to kill scar Akai, Conan is shocked when the Detective Boys said that the person caught on television (scar Akai) looked a lot like the man with the cold during the bus jacking incident (Akai). If Conan knew that Akai was still alive, he wouldn't be too surprised that scar Akai looked like Akai (given that scar Akai and Akai are the same people). And even if Conan knew Akai was disguised as someone else, he shouldn't be shocked to see a man who looks similar to Akai walking around. It could just be a look alike. What's the big deal? Just the way Rena and Conan have acted look a bit suspicious. I truly doubt that they ever planned out Akai's "death". I'm pretty sure Akai is truly dead.
  14. Happy birthday! Have a good one!

  15. Giratina. Giratina is too strong to kill in one shot (unless attacked with a strong ice move). Gyarados can be killed easily with an electric move. Geodude are usually weak enough to be killed in one shot but not to be caught very easily. So I think it's the Giratina.
  16. xXLeration, I just changed my signature and avatar to Sherlock Holmes themes to keep everything nice and simple. And I have yet to read your fanfics. I will whenever I get the chance. From what I here, they're pretty good. I'll have to check them out myself though.
  17. Really? Ah ha... Woe is you... how many shinies have you encountered in the wild and what were they? I've met only two in the wild: Ditto and Geodude. But I got so much from trades!
  18. Hope you enjoy your stay here! If anywhere, this is the place to catch up on everything DC!
  19. Argentina, huh? I've never been there but I hear that it's a great place to vacation.
  20. I know right? Except, I'm more of a shiny hunter. Of course I train my Pokemon a lot, but whenever the chance arises, I would do anything to get a shiny Pokemon. Whether it's by chaining or trading, I have my eye out for those oddly colored Pokemon.
  21. Happy birthday! Enjoy it! And happy Groundhog's Day too!

  22. Happy birthday hikari4869! Have a great one!

  23. True, true. I really appreciate how he manages to keep this website running without having us pay to join. Maurice, keep up the good work! When I get older, I might even consider donating!
  24. Apparently, there don't seem to be many Pokemon fans out there. I wonder why? Pokemon is such a great franchise. The games are great, I mean. The anime and manga and other countless spin offs are stupid. Anyone who likes Pokemon because of the show isn't a Pokemon fan at all.
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