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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. It's a fictional place that only exists within the non-canon Gosho-verse. I haven't seen the 10th movie in a long time so I can't tell you much else since I don't even remember how it's related to the plot.
  2. College is so different from high school, you can barely call it "back" to school in my case. Just joking, it's really honestly not that different. Of course, it's only been one week of orientation + 2 days of actual classes, soo...
  3. "Evolution Era" -- VK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjNaj2XGE38 No seriously, God bless this game. (I'm going to be spamming this thread with a ton of these until I can get over how amazing the OST is.)
  4. Whistling Vivaldi by Claude M. Steele Required reading for Case Western freshman as well as, like, apparently a lot of other universities, this book was okay. Nothing to rave about and a bit repetitive, it brings up some pretty interesting ideas on inequality and bias and social stigmas though. I don't know, not much else to say.
  5. Did you start reading it after the anime adaptation was announced? (looks interesting by the way, will definitely be giving the anime a shot)
  6. "Reflection (Mirror Night)" -- VK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBiRs4wzIhI God bless this game...
  7. Man, Akumetsu needs so much more love.
  8. Ah, makes sense. Thanks for the pro tip!
  9. Hm, of those four my favorite would have to be Prison School. Haven't laughed so hard while watching an anime in quite some time. Charlotte isn't so bad, but Jun Maeda's predictable formula is starting to get a bit old. The most recent episode is looking to send this anime in an interesting direction though, so I'm looking forward to that. Gakkou Gurashi had a great first episode, but the rest are getting more and more bland as time passes. Gansta's pretty good too, though the fight scenes aren't as well animated as I would have liked. What do you think of them? Blasphemous, how could you not be up to date with Ore Monogatari?!
  10. Whoops, you must have posted this here instead of the seasonal anime thread because you wanted to avoid double posting, right? My b, I'll get around to that after I talk about Psycho-Pass. Psycho-Pass (season 1, season 2, and movie) The last non-seasonal anime I've managed to finish this summer. College is starting up soon, so I may not be posting here for a while. I've heard some pretty good things about this anime, and came in with relatively high expectations. Did this anime meet them? Well, sometimes it did and sometimes it didn't. The dystopian cyberpunk setting was pretty fantastic, and the premise is intriguing and leaves plenty of room for philosophical exploration and discussion. The anime is dark and mature, many times relentless with the brooding and despair. The soundtrack is pretty good and all the opening and ending songs are fantastic. Unfortunately, this series suffers in more places than one. The characters aren't particularly likable. The main rivalry that develops in the first season is forced and certain characterizations of side characters are tropey or underdeveloped. The animation is, regrettably, rather atrocious. Some of the most cardboard-like and inconsistent animation I've seen in recent anime. The movie is better (naturally, something would be wrong if it wasn't) but it's still far from superb work when compared to other full length films. There are also quite a few plot holes and logical fallacies that take away from the immersion. However, I must admit, the anime does work really well as a philosophical study on human nature and paints a rather intriguing picture of what may meet us in the future if we were to adopt a Sibyl System. Many feel the second season wasn't as good as the first, but there wasn't really much of a difference in enjoyment for me at least. The movie on the other hand I didn't like as much as I would have liked. Though the animation was much improved, the premise and characters weren't nearly as well developed as in the episodes and the pacing was a mess. All in all, check this series out if you're looking for a dark cyberpunk anime without the simplicity of many of today's moe anime, but don't come in expecting perfection either and you'll probably be able to enjoy it.
  11. "Fallen" -- EGOIST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCVGEo2u86o
  12. <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" data-cke-saved-href="http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Which_One" href="http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Which_One" s_deduction_show"="">Episode 381-382: Which one's deduction show Links are acting up for some reason. Here's the plain URL to the case: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Which_One's_Deduction_Show
  13. Their band's name is f(x)????????? W-w-why?? -- Scarborough Fair
  14. I trusted you to make high quality posts Kenzi! H-How could you do this to me? Was my trust misplaced this whole time?? Haha, kidding kidding, it's cool, I was just excited for a minute thinking you had actually binge watched a new series....
  15. I'm so happy someone has finally paid this thread attention.... .....aaaand you're watching one of the few things that I'm not. [insert that crying rolling cat gif icon you like to use]
  16. #teamhotdog

    1. A L

      A L


    2. Akazora


      tfw no one knows about Splatoon's upcoming Splatfest http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130623182349/aceattorney/images/7/77/AAI_Ema_Skye_Sad_2.gif (but it's forgiven because your responses were funny)

    3. Kenzi


      idk why you aren't #teammarshmellow are you high

      jk I have no idea what's going on in Splatoon right now, ahaah.........

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  17. Damn, reading your thoughts on this got me in a real nostalgic mood.
  18. inb4 they animate the dancing sequence like they did with OP 30's "tear drops"
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