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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. 12 Angry Men would like to have a word with you.
  2. But Interstellar was just another Europa Report. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbw9hlBnG74
  3. Given spring anime end late June while summer anime start early July, I'm willing to bet that the manga industry uses similar terminology and that DC will start up again in early July.
  4. I'm busy for one day playing video games, watching anime, and attending my high school graduation ceremony (that last one's not very important) and I miss out on a perfect opportunity. H-h-here, have an upvote anyway, b-baka...
  5. Never played Bowser's Inside Story, but damn once I realized this song was in the game I raised its frequency to the max. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__or0V602zk
  6. There's no bad blood between the two, it was all in good fun. Both Hungrybox and Nintendo are laughing it off. Edit: Oh damn, 3000th post.
  7. I haven't even played as Ryu yet because I'm too busy unlocking custom moves to tinker with the DLC I just bought, but whenever I'm fighting on Suzaku's Castle and this theme starts I get super hyped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_0QHtEnq04
  8. I get the medical language, but it's just as predictable and formulaic as Detective Conan. Not really my cup of tea. There's even a friend of mine that'll be participating in a 7-year pre-med program next year, so he's no slouch, and he "hates House with a passion" (his exact words). In the same way as a musician I still dislike Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, doctors can very easily dislike medical dramas like House. And Sherlock disappointed me with the second half of the first episode, so I didn't even get close to season three.
  9. I made a one-word edit to my About Me page. I wonder if anybody can spot the difference? (Hint: It has to do with Splatoon, but doesn't have anything to do with my favorite video games.)

    1. Akazora


      @MKay: One word man, one word. That was there for a while now.

      @machine: Yup, looks like I'll be spending the next four years of my life there at the least with a few brief visits back to NJ.

      @Kenzi: W-why are you so good at this! I'm a bit surprised you haven't figured out my real name yet.

    2. Kenzi


      I thought that "stay frosting" was an interesting phrase when I first read your bio, so "stay fresh" kinda caught my eye after you mentioned that you changed something.

      I'm not familiar with some of the games you listed so I haven't attempted to decipher your name yet, haha.

    3. Akazora


      Ahaha, "stay frosting" is a reference to an underrated and under appreciated character from Awakening and "stay fresh" of course references Callie and Marie. Still though, good eye and good memory!

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  10. These shows aren't my favorites, but since there isn't a "Which television shows did you last watch?" thread I can spam, I'll post this here. Watched a couple episodes of a couple shows for the last few days of school. House Watched a few random episodes from the second season my bio teacher had downloaded, and though it was initially pretty good the formulaic medical drama gimmick got old really quick. Not something I'll be going out of my way to watch more of, that's for sure. After all, I barely have time for anime. Sherlock Really good at dropping little hints and references and nods to the original novels and stories, but not very good with some directing choices and mysteries. The cliffhangers people say are brutal, but I was never involved enough with the series to be particularly moved by those cliffhangers. Granted, I only watched the first two and a half episodes from the first season and a random episode of the second season. Nothing something I'll be going out of my way to watch more of, that's for sure. After all, I barely have time for anime. tl;dr Western shows are meh, go back to watching the anime that you love, nothing to see here
  11. 10 years later, I hopefully won't be watching the first Nintendo World Championships in the past 10 years.
  12. "I'm an engineer, boy. I don't need it." -- Hungrybox to Reggie @ Nintendo World Championships I haven't clapped and laughed so hard in a room alone while watching something on my laptop in ages. So hyped for Tuesday!! Taking the day off to experience my first E3 live!
  13. Ryu's Theme Remix from a very special and unexpected game...
  14. You need to play Ace Attorney. Play all of them, trust me, it's worth it. Don't just take my word for it though; our very own mods Black Demon and Chekhov are fans of the series. And by new Phoenix Wright game, do you mean Dual Destinies? Ehhhh, it's not the best idea to play the demo of a game that's the fifth installment of a main series (with an overarching plot no less), but it doesn't spoil much unless you read too deeply into it. Definitely start with the first game, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney for the DS.
  15. Working'!! Pretty much the same as the first season, so there's not too much to say. The animation is about the same but there's an improvement in the lighting, coloring, and shading. I liked it a tad better than the first season as the characters are finally starting to grow on me. I'm still kind of upset they're shafting the best character, Maya Matsumoto, to cameo status most of the time. Oh well, the rest of the cast is alright, I guess. I'm not super hyped about the third season, but I'm certain it'll be at least a fun, casual watch. Resuming Toradora, and it's kind of meh for now. We'll see how it develops.
  16. COLORS - FLOW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUH9S44D1BM These guys were pretty awesome live.
  17. Yoo, Del Rey's style is pretty neat. Here music videos are really artistic and the atmosphere of her songs are haunting. Good stuff, for sure. Speaking of which... Lana Del Rey's Summertime Sadness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdrL3QxjyVw
  18. Working!! Picked this up once a third season was announced, and I'll be finishing the second before the third one starts airing in a few weeks. It's kind of fun, but also pretty average. The animation is clean and consistent, the art is easy on the eyes, and the characters generally manage to break out of the stereotypical molds that you'd expect but maintain a sense of familiarity. The humor and jokes aren't nearly as fast paced and crazy as the opening makes them out to be, and I don't think I've laughed once yet. It's a bit of a struggle to binge-watch, but I'm sure I'd like it more if I had the time to space out episodes. Unfortunately because of the time limit I had set myself regarding the airing of season three, I've been watching more episodes per day than I'd like. Oh well, maybe the third season will be better paced considering I'll be watching episodes the moment they air, of course. I'll be posting how I feel about the second season once I finish it.
  19. Live Smash 4 tournies on Twitch The hype and salt are real.
  20. Splatoon OST (on YouTube, trying my damn best to not spoil myself since I won't be able to play the game until summer break starts)
  21. Never watched K, but I've heard mixed things about it. You do know there's a movie out (K: Missing Kings) that's a sequel to the original series and a second season (K: Return of Kings) that will be airing in October, right? I wouldn't exactly say it's ending just yet.
  22. "Sugar Song to Bitter Step" -- Unison Square Garden
  23. Full version of aimer's Brave Shine. Too bad it's blocked on YouTube.
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