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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Lay off the shrooms man, you weren't even close to answering my question about Texas.....
  2. I wouldn't exactly consider He-Man the dark side of YouTube. He's only at around Rick Astley's level. The Cheetos guy though? That's a whole new level of
  3. Me neither; the joke wasn't there. (I guess I'm not really good at being tsundere.)
  4. Kyuu stopped by DCW to post in an old thread opened in the wrong section because why not?
  5. That's nothing mate. I once ended up here. (NSFW, I think...)
  6. I know, I wouldn't date myself either. And I know I'm taking the bait, but what makes it easier to find a date in Texas as opposed to, well, everywhere else?
  7. I've been bracing myself since September 20th, bruh. This is old news.
  8. *not sure if joke flew over your head or if you're just playing along*
  9. Absolutely nothing I said to SwiftFeather even remotely implied I prefer BO to Kid. I'd rather you not just jump to conclusions and put words in my mouth. This is a discussion on M19, a movie about Kaitou Kid; why would I talk about the Organization in here if they aren't even relevant? (Furthermore, the BO in movies in inherently different from the BO in the canon series.)
  10. I'm sorry, this is off topic, but every time I see someone use that phrase all I can think of is: "The true nature of humanity has not advanced a step beyond the Stone Age." -- Emiya Kiritsugu
  11. When I choose to not watch an episode, it's my choice and my choice alone. So it's not like I'm skipping 768 for you or anything, baka.
  12. I don't want to start an argument because it's too late where I am for me to write one up, but I just want to stop by and let you know that refusing to listen to criticism is rather foolish. Ignorance may sometimes be bliss, but not in this context. Also, to say you're "not going to judge" a movie before it comes out and then go on to say you're "definitely going to enjoy" this movie sounds a bit contradictory, don't you think? I won't burst your happy Kid bubble since you don't want me to, but if you ever have a change of heart let me know.
  13. I would have used this if I had found it earlier and if I hadn't already speed-typed another lab to hand in at 11:59 pm. Though for a situation like mine, some intense music would probably be better...
  14. True though, there are tons of video games and anime you may have never experienced if you had to worry about a girlfriend.
  15. Can't believe I've forgotten to post here for the longest time. I finished a lot in that break. Ao no Exorcist I don't remember why I started this and I don't remember why I had originally stopped after episode 5. Well, ultimately it wasn't too bad. I came in with really low expectations and those expectations were met. If anything, it was actually a tad better than I expected. It's pretty standard shounen, nothing really to compliment it on. Good action? Good enough. Good characters? For a shounen, they were alright. Good music? Sawano has done better. Good plot? Ehhh, it has its moments. Overall, an anime that wasn't nearly a waste of time or time well spent either. Below average overall, because generally shounens aren't very good, but a very middle of the road shounen regardless. It was nice to finally take this sucker off my dropped list at least. Rozen Maiden (2013) A remake of an old anime that was adapted from an old manga. It's about a boy who finds himself thrown into a 7-way battle between masters and Rozen Maidens, vying to kill each other to be the perfect doll in the Alice Game. (Hey, it's kind of like Fate/stay night!) It's not nearly as gritty or action packed s you may think though, so don't get your hopes up. The Alice Game takes backstage to character development unfortunately, and while it has some pretty good moments most of this is pretty forgettable. It has an inconclusive ending and relatively poor animation. While it's not something I would have dropped if I had started it today, I know why my younger self just put this on the back burner. Nothing to see here, moving along... I wonder what I want to pick back up next? Maybe something really really terrible, like BlazBlue or Mahou Sensou.
  16. I know, right? Hoverboards already have two feet in the grave. However...
  17. Ahah, okay, I just feel really out of the loop not being able to listen to the OST. I don't see playing any game as a chore; it's just that I keep on forgetting to get around to it. But when I do play it, it'll definitely be for enjoyment. --- "Bedtime Story" -- Mindy Gledhill
  18. Oh my gosh, wat did I just watch? That green screen though... Haha, it got some laughs out of me.
  19. Of course man, there will always be a demand for retro games. Theoretically, 2-D games were outdated years ago but people still play them.
  20. I hear these work pretty well. If you're not very tech-savvy, here's another option.
  21. The moment you stop growing up is the moment you die, so like 80-ish years old? Also, there are non-immature and non-obnoxious ways to have fun, you know...
  22. Fun as in spitting on food, eating dirt and glitter, punching and slapping people, and using your iPad and laptop at the same time to watch movies on a weekday night? 'Kay. And fifth grade? Mature? You'd be hard pressed to find mature high school seniors.
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