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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Oh no, did my warning not come in time? Did you already start your homework?
  2. That was the point. It doesn't look like we're going to get any major anime original stuff until maybe the last episode or two if they decide to go with an AO ending. (Also, your Guilty Crown signature had me like "3big5me". I suggest you put it in spoilers since wallpapers don't usually make for the best sigs.)
  3. Yeah, my town's pretty bad when it comes to snow preparation. I haven't seen a snow plow since last year and we've already had two "storms". I know they plow the streets at least once every snow fall, but that's honestly about it. If anything else falls after that first sweep, they don't even bother with it.
  4. There there, don't feel so bad. Also, I think your keyboard's broken. It's stuck on caps, some of your letters seem to be jumbled, and your space bar is acting wonky. You should get that checked out before your start your English homework.
  5. Ah, I'll be expecting that then. ...Though I can't help but realize you still only finished "most" of your homework even with two school days off, haha.
  6. I think my township tried sand one year. It didn't work, so they went back to salt. That didn't work either, so they just don't put much on the roads anymore. I nearly fell flat on my rear many times walking back home today.
  7. Watched that movie years ago. Almost forgot how good it was.
  8. I remember my math teacher finding and listening to that song before it became popular. She was such a hipster. Seirei no Moribito's OP
  9. Sorry mate, I was busy watching higher quality stuff like Kino no Tabi.
  10. Hm, going to college overseas sounds a bit extreme to me. Maybe you could attend a college that has a really good study abroad program. That'll probably get you places.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueZ6tvqhk8U
  12. Nah, printing was invented hundreds of years ago but today everyone still knows how to write by hand.
  13. You're too hard on yourself; I doubt you're stupid. It's just my personal recommendation to spend your free time reading books, especially at your age. Looking back on it, I know I definitely benefited from it.
  14. Woah, nostalgia overload! My sister used to play that piece a lot when she was younger. Seirei no Moribito's ED
  15. Ooohh, looks like Kaito borrowed Arima Kousei's CGI hands~! As expected of based A-1 Pictures! Awesome work! /sarcasm
  16. I'll be honest, I find funny quotes to be the best kinds of quotes.
  17. You move all the time but never seem to actually go anywhere. I find that ironic. Seriously though, travel with your family over summer break and expand your horizons a bit. Traveling is awesome.
  18. Yeeeaaahhh, not going to happen... Okay, seriously, not going to happen.
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