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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Eeeeehhhhhhhhh?!?! Stop being so tsuntsun. At this rate, Google-senpai won't ever notice you.
  2. Man, I usually don't trust personality tests because my answers change all the time, but today I got ISTJ.
  3. There are a lot of logical fallacies in that statement, but I'm pretty sure this is bait so I'll be bowing out now...
  4. Akazora

    Favorite Author

    I don't have a favorite author, but I remember one that I really adored in middle school was Madeleine L'Engle. It fascinated me how all her stories took place in the same universe and there were little character cameos in pretty much all of her books that you wouldn't notice unless you've read a lot of her works.
  5. This is a thread about the games, not the anime. Jessie and James aren't game characters, unless you're talking about their cameos in Pokemon Yellow.
  6. I know I previously said "Heart of Darkness" was terrible, but I had spoken too soon. The first third was a mess of exposition, but the middle part was awesome and the ending was decent, too. Overall not bad, but the beginning nearly ruined it for me. Wouldn't recommend it, but I've read worse *ahem* A Farewell to Arms *ahem*.
  7. It's really worrying when you word it like that.
  8. It used to be cooties this, cooties that. Now it's AIDS this, AIDS that.
  9. Awakening spiked yandere popularity possibly even more so than Mirai Nikki did, and both of those weren't too long ago. If anything, there are too many yanderes now. (waaaaaayyyy too many)
  10. "Mask" -- Stellar (don't usually listen to K-pop, but this song is catchy)
  11. Still not as much of a cash grab as Tokyo Ghoul Root A. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txj_k5NHZF0 I love how people say this opening is deep, artistic, and symbolic. Ahahaha, yeeeaahh sure, whatever helps them sleep at night. I've seen symbolic openings before, and this isn't one of them. This is just bad directing by people who are putting money before quality. Also, not all reboots are bad. ufotable is doing a superb job with Fate/stay night: (left is old and right is new, though it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out)
  12. Too late, already watched the first episode of Haibane Renmei. And once I've started something that's completely aired, I feel obliged to finish before starting a new show fully aired show. Also, I'm very very very patient when it comes to anime. Patient to the point where I think I've taken a few years off of my life sitting through all the "Crap: The Animation"s anime has to offer. Also, I never skip any part of an anime, save for the opening and ending themes, regardless of how bad or slow it is. Haibane Renmei isn't even that slow, so I'll be fine. I've watched one of Yoshitoshi Abe's other shows, Serial Experiments Lain, which was actually a bit of a let down, though thankfully Haibane Renmei looks to have a lot more potential. I'll be watching Kino no Tabi right after I finish Haibane Renmei.
  13. Senkou no Night Raid Pretty decent stuff. It will take quite a bit of historical background knowledge to fully appreciate, and the animation had a lot to be desired at certain moments, but definitely a solid series. The art portrayed the post-WWI/pre-WWII era really well and the soundtrack impressed me. While the directing was a bit weak and the voice acting wasn't anything special, it's relatively well made given it wasn't adapted from anything. At least I enjoyed myself watch watching it. Not too sure what to watch next; it'll be either Haibane Renmei or Kino no Tabi.
  14. Ahh, good times. As a senior in high school, the hype of getting grades back has died down. There aren't any more nosy people, because everyone has screwed up at least once in his or her life when it comes to grades. Once your classmates begin to empathize with each other (and I mean actually, not the fake-sweet kind) and become more mature, you'll realize no one really cares about other people's grades. Whenever we get grades back, everyone keeps to themselves. Maybe a couple of words are exchanged, but all those previously obnoxious people have finally grown up a bit and keep their traps shut.
  15. Bruh. I'm not trying to get to you to retract your previous statement of MK1412's animation being "amazing", I was just stating how I felt about it and provided some examples. You can say what you want to say and believe what you want to believe.
  16. For premium members only, of course. And most of Crunchyroll's 1080ps are just upscaled 720ps, but whatever.
  17. Ehh, don't really want to argue, but I've always seen animation as objective and art as subjective. Take this example of bad animation from Naruto: As well as all these other examples in this article: http://kotaku.com/more-crappy-animated-images-for-your-amusement-1596308091 Compare it to these examples from Kill la Kill and FLCL respectively: As well as a ton of other examples that can be found in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g8t40gxJ88 We could debate good art vs bad art all day, but there's very little to debate when it comes to animation. And if you say that MK1412 isn't an action based show and thus the examples above do not apply, then I'll just give you a few examples of action-less shows that have far superior animation to MK1412. Compare MK1412: with these examples from Hyouka and Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso respectively: Calling everything above "amazing" would be a bit of an insult to the latter two, don't you think? And MK1412 could seriously do with better animation, like the treatment Hyouka and Shigatsu received. What is has now is a bit of an eyesore and makes the whole series just not something I can take seriously when it wants to be taken seriously.
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