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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Bruh, this is Crystal Mother 3.0 we're talking about. Already watched it and, well, it's just Crystal Mother. There's honestly nothing for me to say. It just didn't have Rose (OVA) or Spider (TV Special) but otherwise nearly identical.
  2. Same, which is why I love playing on Mario Kart 8's Rainbow Road 64. It's just so damn magical.
  3. I know this was a joke, but given my propensity for the way I type and my dislike of texting, the English part had me like:
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnQBF2CIygg
  5. If it is for the glory of Smash 4 Wii U and Mario Kart 8 and eventually Splatoon, Zelda U, and Xenoblade Chronicles X, there is no such thing as too big. ... If only I could bring it with me to college... (Ah well, I'll be bringing my 3DS with me and I've been meaning to run through Awakening on Lunatic mode anyway *rolls up sleeves*)
  6. Learning to play the alto sax is a real cinch. If you ever get the chance to give it a whirl, you'd probably have a lot of fun with it given that your mouth structure isn't better suited for brass instruments.
  7. This is for you, mademoiselle.
  8. Raccoon coat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://www.filozofia.bme.hu/sites/default/files/love_is_a_fallacy.pdf
  9. So for you app games > console games? If that's the case, I don't think we can be friends...
  10. I'd do that if I still had cable. My gorgeous 60 inch 1080p Smart TV is used exclusively for gaming and torrented movies *ahem*. Computer time is anime time for me.
  11. Heh, never had it so can't hate it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  12. London Philharmonic Orchestra's cover of Gusty Garden Galaxy.
  13. Nintendo, never ever stop doing what you do.

    1. Kirsch


      My family rarely uses the PC for gaming. We have Wii, Xbox, and PS though. Right now, Skyrim's the hype, so everything's on XBox.

      I remember that my dream when I was in the early years of elementary school was to get a DS... Or maybe even the DSI or 3DS.

    2. Kenzi


      @Akazora That's understandable since I was also raised around Nintendo consoles (namely my DS Lite and SP). The regular Game Boy Advance, Wii, and PS2 belong to my sister, but we shared them so often we never considered the consoles as exclusively hers or mine. I still really liked everything that the PS2 had to offer. Good times, man.

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Meh, I don't like consoles very much. They're much more limited compared to PCs.

      I only enjoy Nintendo consoles because we grew up with them, and the newer Wiis and DS' due to how different they are.

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  14. On some unrelated thread, so you probably missed. Really disliked the show, but hopefully you manage to get something from it because for me it was 24 wasted episodes.
  15. I wish the Lucina amiibo would just be available for pre-order already, gosh.
  16. Happened to me today and now two episodes of anime I could have watched, I didn't.
  17. Man, that's me with amiibos right now.
  18. Aw man, looks like you didn't see my rant about that anime and decided to watch it.
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