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Everything posted by Akazora

  1. Akazora

    Favorite Season

    No idea how she feels. She only replied once at the very beginning of this shipping craze in the OMM thread with a reaction image, so kind of hard to gauge.
  2. Full version of Parayste's opening. My God, it's quite the wild song, isn't it?
  3. Akazora

    Favorite Season

    Ah, I don't want to come off as upset or troubled by this. Actually, I find it kind of funny, haha.
  4. Loved to hate that son of a Montague.
  5. Akazora

    Favorite Season

    I don't even know what to do about this situation anymore.
  6. Don't forget to twist! (joking of course, haha) And your highest level is probably like 'Murica's AP classes. Hang in there man! High school will be over before you know it, probably.
  7. Just finished eating some chicken sandwiches. God damn.
  8. Have you seen the first episode of Yuri Kuma Arashi yet? Love the opening; can't stop watching it. Have you seen any of Ikuhara's other works?
  9. "broKen NIGHT" -- Aimer ^Damn, this singer is one serious rising star. Such a haunting voice.
  10. I feel like I should know what this is about, but...
  11. ... Though by average I hope you mean Asian average and not "C is average" average.
  12. ^Free movies on international flights are the best.
  13. Doesn't really have much going for it in the animation department and the song is pretty standard Valshe fare, I'd say.
  14. Ah, I see, that's interesting. Well, I hope you enjoy Fate/Zero and then Fate/stay night! Let me know what you think of them when you're finished.
  15. Dreamed I stole a display Marth amiibo from the Nintendo store in NYC. It was such a realistic dream, I was so crestfallen when I woke up.
  16. Anything trying to be too deep in an attempt to be sophisticated and instead just coming off as pretentious.
  17. Alright, if you say so. Spoilers in Fate ruin your experience more than in most other anime I've seen, so do be vigilant in avoiding them.
  18. What do you mean by that? Don't browse the Type-Moon wiki: far too many spoilers. Wikipedia is a bit safer, though I wouldn't recommend it either.
  19. Eh? You'll spoil yourself if you watch Fate/stay night in the middle of Fate/Zero. Either watch F/0 then F/sn or F/s then F/0, but whichever order you choose complete the series in its entirety before watching the next one. You'll only experience the worst of both worlds watching everything simultaneously, since they spoil each other.
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