Since I'm now immortal, I set out to acquire a power that I used to make all of the gadgets at the hill, along with you, disappear. I sit on the hill, turning anyone who dares to take away the hill into flowers. I am the King of the Hill.
*Sigh* When will the Hill War end?
The explosive traps malfunctioned and you and your group exploded instead. I sit on top of the hill, turning all of the others that touch my hill into beautiful flowers that sway with the wind. Peacefully.
Anti-Rye? very Well, then....
*Disguises as Moho-kun*
*Removes the talismans*
*Kicks xxShinichixx out of the hill*
*Puts a magic barrier around the hill*
And BTW, Shinichi-kun, you already own a hill. Aren't you contented?
After rising from the dead with my Necromancing magic, I raise all my dragons, making them more powerful than ever before. I cast a spell unto xxShinichixx and turned him into a powerful forcefield, and he can never break free from my control. I AM THE KING OF THE HILL!
I'm sorry I created a new topic just for this. I couldn't find the Member Title Thread in which we discussed about Member Titles before. I just thought that, Can we add a member title after the Advanced Member? Senior Member, I suggest?