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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Rye

  1. A rope came out! *Inserts Pokeball*
  2. Banned for putting spoilers in your signature
  3. Why are you asking about it, then?
  4. I wouldn't show up. What would you do if you could fly?
  5. Nothing came out! *inserts a diskette*
  6. I was always here Banned for being the 4301st poster in this thread.
  7. Rye

    This or That

    Platinum. Adamantium or Diamond?
  8. What if I don't want to ask myself?
  9. Hive. What rhymes with damage?
  10. They'd be able to follow me around! Cool! What would you do if you got a sports car for your birthday?
  11. A black hole came out! *replaces vending machine* *inserts a coin*
  12. Banned for banning me for a random reason.
  13. Possibly. Is it possible for me to eat 12 hotdogs in a minute?
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