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Everything posted by Cammy3131

  1. *listens* OMG! THIS IS ON MY IPOD AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW!!!!! WHOA~!!!!

    because I have this anime radio thing and there's a staion for just vocaloid and you're able to record the songs and play them later so I recorded this song having no idea what exactly it was, but NOW I'M FREAKING OUT CUZ IT'S SUCH A COINCIDENCE! O_o

  2. your right~! It was cute =3

    OH! And here's another favorite of mine ;)


  3. I'll have to look those up too ^_^;; Because first time I saw Alice Human Sacrifice I was really creeped out, but I liked the melody... but the twins getting killed in the forest at the end was probably the creepiest one *shivers*

  4. I've only heard Magnet I'll have to look up the other ones... But all vocaloid songs are really good! OH! OH!! Have you ever heard of Alice Human Sacrifice?

  5. OH YEAH! I know what you mean *bonks head* silly me =P

    yeah I like the one song "Bullet for Prisoner" by Megurine Luka ^_^ but next to her the twins are second in my favorites

  6. rouda roula? (<--Wait... I'm not even sure it I spelled that right. What is that?)

    And me? I only got 5 hours of sleep and I'm accidently speaking with a british accent sometimes ^_^;; I stayed up to watch this british show and now I'm even THINKING BRITSH! DX that's what 10 hours will do to you =____=;;

  7. Chelsea-chan!! What's up?? =P

  8. Sato-san ^_^ Hi! What's up?

  9. I like your style ;D lol... you know what I mean~! Awesome drawing once again
  10. WHOA-MY-GOODNESS~!!!! WOW!!! Awesome Akako XD She's very cute and original, but I do agree with you on the Heiji thing, but other than that its a good drawing too I'm really glad you finally decided to post some of your pictures XDXDXD
  11. "Yesterday was Tuesday, but today is Tuesday too!" -Sam Whinchester (Supernatural:Mystery Spot)

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      @Cammy: Yeah, so my brothers say.. ^_^ Should probably watch it sometime! ;)

    2. Cammy3131


      @Kid: IT'S AWESOME! ... I mean if you're into supernatural stuff of course, but some people hate it, sooo I'm not judging I just love the the whole show! :)

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      supernatural is awesome, yes i agree

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  12. Cammy3131


    Sounds like you had a great time XD Man I wish I could've gone >_< But that's life... Anyway my itouch is a great big meanie and doesn't want me to see the pictures so I'll have to wait until my computer returns =____=;; *sigh* Once again... I'm jealous. I'd try to convince m dad to take me but he hates leaving the country because he's really patriotic-BUT ANYWAY... I'm getting into me there. So I'm glad you had fun and we definitly still have to go to Japan and France when we're older too CAN'T WAIT!
  13. At first I was like who's "Spectra?" Then I checked name history and it all clicked =P lol

    And 31 has been a lucky number to me ever since I was in 5 grade ^_^ So It grew on me... There's really no special meaning it's just a lucky number

    But anyway... why did you change your name??

  14. *shudders* Celsea-chan... What are you planning?

  15. Lol! I find myself doing that too sometimes =3

  16. Anybody ever heard of the worst Fanfiction ever? It's so horrible its HILARIOUS! Seriously... half the time you wonder if this person was seriously writing -_____-;; you just gotta read it to understand

  17. back and I commented on the tread =3 and also ANOTHER REP FOR YOU ;D

  18. nice explanation... couldn't have said it better myself Also gave you a rep because I'm very impressed with your information. I knew all of it but for a person who doesn't know who Akako is it's a very well thought out explanation with examples of the episodes shes in and the first chapter she has her own plot in MK ;D AWESOME JOB CHELSEA-CHAN!
  19. I'll be back in a little bit... I have to go the the store BRB

  20. What? For real!?!? And where is this description thing??

  21. oooo~~~~ I like it!! That sounds interesting ^_^ And it is a good idea to use in controlling them :)

  22. ... Um... yeahhhh~ =P

  23. face it was adorable when she picked up the books and started flipping through the pages like she would even be happy with dying right that second! And I was in my mind "Go forth my DC brethren!" LOL

  24. sweet~! Yeah my local borders is closing and there is a huge sellout! OH THAT REMINDS ME! When I was there this girl that was like 14 walked up to the case closed books and I was kinnda peeking at her out of the corner of my eyes and she was so happy. You should have seen her

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