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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Cammy3131

  1. *pokes* Are you there?

  2. THANKS~! ^_^ =P I'm glad you liked them

  3. A mix between Kuroba Kaito and Kaitou Kid... KUROBA KAITOU~!!!! ^__^ Click HERE to see Kaito being very inconspicuous about being Kaitou Kid ;D
  4. That's good ^__^ and I hope you like them~! XD

  5. Somehow I can only draw my best at 3 o'clock in the morning it seems!! XP But check out my newest deviantart ^__^ Its a kaitoXaoko picture in a AU kind of sense... I'm thinking about making a fanfiction to it, because I really like the idea of Aoko being a princess~!!! XD .......once again... the file was TOO BIG to fit in an attachment so click HERE to see the picture HOPE YOU LIKE IT~!!!
  6. Yeah... sorry about that... Some technical difficulties happened yesterday, but I put a new picture up ^_^ And I'm good-thanks for asking XD Also~ I made some new drawings and added them on deviantart... I'm about to go put them into the drawing section XD but anyway... how are you??

  7. I was about to change it when My computer lost internet =_______=;;

  8. Sorry... G2g ... I'll probably talk to you next when yOu have 7000 posts ^^ LOL!!! Your a super poster!!

  9. Yeah... Can't have my dads side of the family knowing I even watch DC -___-;; anyway, what time is it there??

  10. Missed you too~ Sato-San~~!!! I'm trying to use my itouch for this so it's kinnda hard... I apologize if there are any spelling errors

  11. I'm good... It's kinnda hard to message through an itouch though =_____=;; but how are you?

  12. ^____^ If you'll post it here-I can't wait to see it <3 I don't mind yaoi soooo I hope you post it soon ^^ *dies from happiness shock* I feel honored~!!! (which is probably pathetic, but-) I got my own piece of art posted on the DCW homepage on facebook ^___^ :grin: Thank you~~!!!!!!!!!
  13. Sato-san~! OHIO! I just got up =P .... but I'm sick.... so I might not stay on long. And also I'm on the 18 ep of Gosick! Just 6 more episodes... I'm trying to finish the Anime before I continue the next chapter because I want to make sure of a couple details ^__^ ...i HAVE A PLAN~! Anyway, what's new with you?

  14. 11 Hits and 1 Review in the past 2 hours ^__^ ... it's not much, but let's do our best~!!! YOOOOSSHHHH~!!!!!

  15. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7130068/1/The_Grey_Wolf_Meets_the_Birds

    OI~!!! IT'S UP!!!! XD TAKE A LOOK!!!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down in seat happily*

  16. well. I sent you what I got... It's not much, but take a looky =______= I'm gonna go to bed....

  17. eh? I made brownies because I was hungry and it was mostly for the batter and I wrote 3 days ago... I haven't done anything since............. *rolls around on the floor lethargically*

  18. maybe not productive, but your doing things.................................................. I don't know how to explain it but I don't want to do anything anymore......

  19. *head-desk* thatsss soooo muchh more produccttiivveee...

  20. watashi mo... (<-- Not sure if I spelled that right...) I wrote 1 and a half pages for the Gosick/DC crossover... but the rest of the time I've been doing ... well lets see... I made brownies today, but I burnt half of them... but I had some of the batter =P and then I just watched old Supernatural episodes :) I have no life T____T

  21. I missed you too~!!! I've been... doing nothing, actually... but hey.. I'm here now ^^ How have you been?

  22. That's exactly what I did yesterday... the problem is having to come back... and having to be boxed up again
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