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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Cammy3131

  1. I advise you to only april fools someone on april fools... I know I'm already gonna get enough from my school friends because I'm so guliable
  2. NOOOOOO!!! don't gooo!!! I need more posts Is it possible for IdentityUnknown to come back?
  3. No... just chill... Someone who is being annoyed
  4. niether... I'm just a hot chocolate person Auntie Annes or Pretzel Time? (...there's no competition...)
  5. No, he's a spiderman for crying out loud... Is it possible for 7 to eat 9??? (789)
  6. granted, but then they canceled spring break (THAT WOULD SUCK!!) I wish that I don't crash during my first driving test tomorrow
  7. Doc (Detective conan otaku(initals mixed up)
  8. It's been like my drug all day!! ^^ Someone who likes the 2009 remix better than the 2010 one
  9. Are you trying to tell me what to do?
  10. me... although when I type fast i acidentially have typos (gomen) Someone that gets scared easily
  11. perhaps you are right... but how should I know?
  12. French and Japanese... although I can't write Japanese I can understand and speak it Bonjour ou Salut, ma copine! Ca-va?(it's my elective in school since ther is no japanese) Kon'nichiwa tomodachi! Genkidesu ka? Someone who can also speak Japanese and French
  13. I ban you for an awesome heiji avatar! LoL
  14. yes, my old dell crashed countless times and it takes a good 10 minutes just to get internet up and another 20 for itunes... Someone who has japanese songs on their ipod or computer playlist
  15. yeah but, i don't have to... other people do that for me all the time... Someone who heard this song and instanly loved it Click to play
  16. OH! a classic question... hmmm... I'd have to say ninjas (BECAUSE I'M A NARUTO FAN~!! like a said before in my above post...) women pirates are only there to "please" the men anyway... it wouldn't be that much fun in my opinion anyway... Tim Hortons or Dunkin Dounuts?
  17. I couldn't decid between 6 and 13 but I picked 13 because of the epic fighting scene at the end with the BO and Conan and Irish and Ran and the beginning got me hooked immediatly ^^ but I would have picked 14 if it was on here because I love KIDDO~
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