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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Stopwatch

  1. Yeah, I agree with the others. I reckon that you learn it better if you don't use the romanji once the hiragana is learnt. That way you actually use what you learn and it makes it easier to remember. It does work, I've even got an example!! Once I was reading a set of books(Artemis Fowl series) and there was this code running along the bottom of the pages. So, I decided using the key at the back to translate it(I was in year 6 :oops: ). Basically what happened was that I started to remember certain letters so I didn't have to keep glancing to the key and by the end of the book I had memorised the entire alphabet. So, long rant over, using them helps you remember. :mrgreen: (And I'm not wei- okay, I'm not that weird. Seriously)
  2. If it was the umbrella then anyone could get hold of one. The butler probably put them into the same room after he collected them meaning that as long as you can hide it until the murder you'd be fine. Also as it was raining they'd be at least one umbrella there for certain(the reason it had to be raining?) and it would mean that the evidence would not point towards anyone in terms of the weapon. If it was this way then it's more likely to be the woman as she has only has a bloodstain from when she knocked into someone. I don't know the way the weapon was disposed of and I can't think of a way to get it into the well in the time limit. I'm nowhere near certain about any of this though so feel free to point out any problems with it :mrgreen:
  3. Finished! Also, is the answer:
  4. @OfficerKaoko err... did you write 'い' instead of 'か' in places on purpose? Anyway, cool lessons :mrgreen:
  5. Hi, can I join? All I know at the moment are the things I've learnt from the anime e.g. neechan, arigato things like that :mrgreen:
  6. Thanks for the comments everyone! @lashedcheek - I'll try that, thanks :mrgreen: @Officer Kaoko - I think the mouth ended up like that because 1) I can't do mens/anime lips that well and 2) I did most of it by memory. I'll try and fix it at some point. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  7. Happy Birthday!

    ...and cool profile pic :)

  8. @Kaoko They didn't mention Hakuba, that option was put in because of Hakubas obsession with time and the entire clock theme with this file. At the moment I'm guessing it's the butler guy, I'm not certain yet though as there's not enough info to be sure and my basis is the fact he flicked the lightswitch and was not close to the body (don't ask, I'm not sure how I thought that myself) so I'm not going to vote yet. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  9. Happy Birthday! (love your avatar by the way)

  10. Weird, you're exactly 13 days younger than me.

    Happy Birthday!

  11. ...wait a minute, is this your 3rd account?


    Happy Birthday!

  12. Happy Birthday from the UK! (I already did this with your other account before realising the two account thing, oops..)

  13. Happy Birthday from the UK!

  14. I randomly drew some DC pics recently and well, I'd like peoples opinions on them, what's good, what's bad, what needs to be improved ect. As it's 22:56pm here, I decided not to risk waking up my parents by using the scanner and chose the safer option of taking a photo of it, I'll probably put up a scanned version which I'll edit to get rid of the lines later but until then you're stuck with this . It's sorta a mix between Conan and Shinichi. the second one is just a quick doodle I did on paint (how you're supposed to draw properly with that thing... )
  15. Thanks for replying CarpetCrawler, I still haven't seen all the eps and so wasn't certain if that was the right one. I did find everyones reactions in that ep to that women being, well, female rather... amusing
  16. Hi, I'm from England, UK. More specifically, near the Manchester area, I support Manchester United as my fave football team (or soccer as it's known as in America). Once I went to... well, it was either Tunisia, Malta or Bulgaria (can't remember which) and half the people there were Man U fans, it was... weird. Anyway, looks like the British are a rare species on this forum
  17. @Carpet Crawler - Was that the one with the Maracas, Eisuke and the 'gay' couple that were actually a man and a woman-who-looked-like-a-man? Anyway, I reckon that the coffee n' cake one (I think the manga file was called 'coffee with murderous intent'). I know it ended sadly but the bits with Conans "ah le le"s were hilarious and the dot eye segments with Takagi and Megure... Also that one where Jodie pretended she and Camel were a couple and the whole 'shiranpuri' thing, that case was funny in parts.
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