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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Stopwatch

  1. This one was cool, it's definitely in my top 3 of the podcasts so far. And Genghis has already done a Aoyama troll face... On a non DC note though, you really should watch Doctor Who; start with 'Blink' or 'The Doctors Wife' or 'Midnight' or any episode written by Moffat. Seriously, some of them are brilliant~! Anyway, awesome podcast....
  2. Yes! DCTP's back up and the new file looks pretty interesting~! And Happy 4th of July Americans~!

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Eh.. Yeah, it's back up, uh, kinda.. But I can't do anything there... Not even read the new file.. ¬.¬

  3. Manchester, well... technically Oldham, but it counts as Manchester to me ;)

  4. Manchester, well... technically Oldham, but it counts as Manchester to me ;)

  5. It was loli, OOC and... you Americans are weird! You eat that!!
  6. Huh? Ghost rep...? *searches through previous posts to find it*

  7. Episode 304, the Matsuda case, it's one of my favourite cases...
  8. Spoilers in Japanese copied from DCTP (Conan#1/Conan 48:69) Google translate doesn't work that well on this so it'd be better to wait for a more accurate translation...
  9. Yeah, but not to each other... unless I've forgotten something...?
  10. Like in that 'About Edogawa' fanfic and that other one where they're in the police during their break and all the police come up with crack theories to explain Conan? I'm not sure if Aoyama would have them actually voicing their suspicions though, Takagi only admitted it 'cause he thought they were gonna die.
  11. Hmm... APTX-san and Grace are doing Satou/Takagi style near misses... Don't worry about it APTX-san, just go for it next time!
  12. Wow, that dream.. well I suppose it was more of a nightmare, but... it was pretty weird and not the good type...

  13. He has mentally compared Conan to Shinichi at least once. If you read the case with Genta's dad Megure at one point (after Conan being... unsubtle and then pretending 'Shinichi-niisan' told him) thinks 'so it was Kudou-kun after all'. This shows that he, at the very least, noticed Conan was saying things that were the sort of thing that Shinichi would say. I don't think that Megure knows Conan is Shinichi though...
  14. ...I've just realised something, why isn't Conan on this!?
  15. I think that Satou is subconsciously aware that Conan isn't actually a 7 year old, but she hasn't really thought about it consciously yet, plus she's only met 'Shinichi' once.
  16. Yeah, that was what I meant to say, oops. Anyway, what you suggest is the most likely thing that happened, which means her line about deleting data probably was about her wanting to 'delete' someone or something else... I wonder what...
  17. Hello everyone~! Hmm... so IdentityUnknown is back...? Cool I really need to come with a nickname for her
  18. MI5 is national, MI6 is international if I remember correctly, so yeah, that's probably right. The only time I've heard of 'MI9' was on this CBBC program my sister used to watch when she was younger (the evil boss had a rabbit which was like Anokata, while the 'boss' seemed more like Agasa, that program was weird). I think I'll google what Chekhov said tomorrow when I'm properly awake... EDIT: Why wouldn't Sera delete Haibara's picture if she didn't know about the Org...?
  19. Y'know, as long as no one other than the culprit knows English (pretty likely considering it's Japan) they could just do the Stroop test on them all to find out which one knows English and that one would probably be the culprit. If they just asked the culprit could lie so they should ask them and then do the Stroop test to catch them out. Probably not gonna happen though... About 'EYE' all I can think of at the moment is Eye = I = Ai...
  20. DCTP. Click on the 'viewer version' for the file and you can read it...
  21. Just read the file~! Hmm... did Hattori say whereabouts the house is 'cause I want to know which officer will be turning up. It would have been ideal with no officers, but it looks like that's not gonna happen...
  22. This spoiler image is very interesting if you compare it to one of Akai... One more point to the Sera = Akai's sister theory~!
  23. It looks like Conan alright, the hair's just slightly off and the writing too, though the writing can't really be helped. Good job on it...
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