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Detective Conan World

Detective Kudo

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Everything posted by Detective Kudo

  1. i thought everything was covered. I posted deductions that covered the holes i saw. I guess if anyone brings up questions or points it can be addressed accordingly rather than having to put a summary together
  2. Just had one of the most memorable thanksgivings ever, now back on the grind with the homework

  3. Wow u have the same picture Anyway, i feel like it will resemble old cases related to the Spirits, but i hope it beats my expectations. Also we won't be able to see the translated movie till the dvd release, so those of us who want the subs, we probably shouldn't mark our calenders so soon :grin:
  4. here is what i'm thinking, and maybe it will answer some of the questions that chek brought up I really want to see how Sera will respond to this. Also isn't it strange how she is dressed and carries with her no purse. It feels like she wasn't completely prepared for the outcome. Amuro's behavior after hearing about Sera to me indicate he found what he was looking for. Maybe he hung up Ran's phone so Sera wouldn't hear about him... one thing is for sure no ordiary detective has a bugging device, lots of money, and is only a part time waiter.
  5. why am i up so late? oh, just because my school hates me

  6. I expected most of this, which means i'm at least on the right track As for the spoiler: in short: I love this case, it reeks of foul play!
  7. i'm street legal

    1. IdentityUnknown
    2. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      Congrats Unofficial Rival :P

    3. kfnnapa


      actually I never even got my permit so I never got my license by choice.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  8. i just noticed my rep points are low comparatively with the length of time i have been here

    1. hopes


      Really? D: I'm surprised; You're a deduction person...

    2. Metantei Kiddo

      Metantei Kiddo

      LOL You want a rep? :P

    3. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      gave you your 18th and 20th rep

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  9. i agree completely. He is maturing and going through character development
  10. really good bro, u keep improving :grin:
  11. I think Shinichi is cool, but i do like the fact that being conan has humbled him. Overall I like Shinichi more and his interaction with Ran, Heiji, and his classmates. I also find the cases more entertaining.
  12. just got done with helping seniors in my neighborhood rake their leaves and i'm exhausted

    1. Mia Ehru

      Mia Ehru

      better rest then for a while..

    2. -The Rising Angel-

      -The Rising Angel-

      Thanks for the hard work :)

  13. I think character development is lacking that used to be there in my opinion
  14. I really liked this movie, it had mystery and drama. This is what i've been waiting for in the latest movies. It had all the elements of a good movie, and showed true bravery. Excellent, in my opinion. I think action can improve a movie(their is a place for just about everything), but it doesn't make a movie either. It's great in the right places, but its all about how its written and quality of the actors in my opinion. In everything moderation
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