I LOVE HETALIA~~~!! <33333333333333333333333333333333
My friends say I'm most like America and England combined!! XD I got the laugh down. OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! Oh, and a dash of Poland... XD
My favorites America, Russia, England and China!! I also love Prussia, Lithanuia, Canada, Sealand, South Korea and Romano~~~!! <3
Hetalia is the ONLY anime I don't mind watching in dub. It's HILARIOUS!! XD
Pairings I support: Germany x Italy, China x Russia, America x England, America x Russia, Spain x Romano, Prussia x Austria, Austria x Hungary, Hungary x Prussia, France x England (sometimes), Lithaunia x Russia, South Korea x China... And I think I'm forgetting some...
I think England is one of the most interesting characters. He's a former PIRATE (teenage delinquent... XD) who swears quite a bit, has a rivalry with France, holds a grudge against America, now a 'gentleman'... XD Geez, and he loves punk rock music! Yeah, ENGLAND!! He also practices Black Magic... (Dumbledora the Explorer~!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~~!!) He can see fairy tale creatures such as Flying Mint Bunny and he can't cook. England's got it all... XD
I've researched about the game and found out some stuff. I watched it on YouTube and even downloaded it. But I can't find one with English translations... (Well, a free one that is).
I found this girl who plays piano on YouTube. She's AMAZING. She learned everything by ear...INCREDIBLE PIANIST
I also love to watch 10 minute challenges... XD This one is my favorite: Russia Goes "Ahhhh~" for 10 minutes
Here's also the link to one of the funniest parts of the Hetalia game that was published: Gakuen Hetalia - Attack of the Vodka
Here;s the trailer for Gakuen Hetalia: Gakuen Hetalia TrailerI love the music... <3
And this is the un-finished one they started (with translations): Gakuen Hetalia Part 1
It's very interesting... You go to a school where countries are required to go. Only Switzerland has gotten out of going... (His barrier of neutrality. XD) You play as Seychelles.
Definitely worth checking out. Apparently, it's kinda like a dating game... But Hetalia style. You kinda go around and do things, you usually have choices. If you make them happy, then... I guess they start to like you. Seychelles is kinda a Mary Sue in this...
Just barely the other day, I started a Hetalia x Detective Conan crossover. I didn't have any other title, so I called it "Getting Along". If you want the link, tell me~!!
Well, that's my very long fangirling post. Have any other questions, I can probably answer them... XD