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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by hopes

  1. hopes


    Uhm... Well, I'll doubt we'll get our memories back at once. It seems I'm the most clueless one as I haven't been thinking about it that much... :V I bet I'll be the one to remember last. EVIL TO THE VERY END!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~~~!! :twisted:
  2. Really? Not so secret now... :V
  3. New part of my signature. XD
  5. hopes


    ...Well, they call me Chelsea... But some people call me Aka-chan.
  6. POOR SAKI-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. hopes


    So they should say Detective Conan or Detective Conan World... Well, you read the file and it mentioned DCW... They should say that's how we first met and stuff... Oh, yeah. Chelsea isn't THAT common... However, it's #30 in Australia for being most popular.
  9. hopes


    AKAKO KOIZUMI AND LAUGHING INSANELY!!!!!!! But still. It's what brought us together. <3
  11. Dear Anonymous. You're my best friend. My twin sister. I love you. But sometimes you do things that makes me hate you. Why? ~Chelsea
  13. Dear Anonymous, You know what? I don't care. I call you a friend. But how can I now? Is that what a 'friend' does? Judges you and tries to change you to someone you're not when you like the way you are? How can I call you a friend? Someone I trust, someone I love, someone I care about. If this is what 'friend's are, I don't want them. ~Chelsea
  14. ... *sigh* What's your pairings, Saki-chan?
  15. ... <_< Fine, I'll edit... Best Friends Chelsea x KKLT Chelsea x Moho Chelsea x Aya-chan Chelsea x Saki-chan Chelsea x Misaki Chelsea x Ama-chan Chelsea x Cam-chan Chelsea x WildHeart Chelsea x Kid-kun Chelsea x Par-Par Chelsea x Sayomi Secret/Rumored Lovers Chelsea x Kaitou () Chelsea x Par-Par Twins Chelsea x Aya-chan Siblings Chelsea x Saki-chan Chelsea x Cam-chan Chelsea x Ama-chan Other Chelsea x ? Feel free to add on. :V Better?
  16. Best Friends Chelsea x KKLT Chelsea x Moho Chelsea x Aya-chan Chelsea x Saki-chan Chelsea x Misaki Chelsea x Ama-chan Chelsea x Cam-chan Chelsea x WildHeart Chelsea x Kid-kun Chelsea x Par-Par Chelsea x Sayomi Secret/Rumored Lovers Chelsea x Kaitou () Chelsea x Par-Par Chelsea x Saki-chan Twins Chelsea x Aya-chan Siblings Chelsea x Saki-chan Chelsea x Cam-chan Chelsea x Ama-chan Chelsea x Moho Other Chelsea x Akako Chelsea x Laughing Chelsea x ? Feel free to add on. LOVE THE IDEA!!!
  17. Thanks for the add!! :D You're welcome. <3 You can go to other people's profile's ant talk to them!! :D

  18. Hey!! :D WELCOME TO DCW!! Have an AWESOME time and enjoy your stay... OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! You can talk to people by going to their profiles and leaving a comment. <3

  19. hopes


    I found a new person I like too: gokusanzokami <333333333333333333333
  20. Chelsea Aka-chan Aka-san Akako Chels Chel-chel Chels-chan Akakata Akakata-san Chelsea-chan DL-chan (LONG TIME AGO) Cean-chan (LONG TIME AGO) Chilly Chelly Chuckles I've forgotten a few...
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