I started in grade 3 when my sis introduced me to it. But then I was kinda dumb so I could only watch the dub episodes ( which sadly, only went up to 30 on youtube at that time) Then I dropped it (sad) for about an year. In grade 4 I tried to watch the dub eps again but they weren't there any more(youtube. i didn't know about subbed eps then, only movies so i watched all the movies. I didn't know about the OVA's/Magic Files so I could only watch the movies. Then I dropped it( again, sorry fans)
Then last year (2010) in November,i picked it up again(YAY!!!) At first, I only borrow a Case Closed book because there were no actually books i wanted to read( I read Case Closed in my G3/4 addictions). Then I got more and more hooked. Eventually I started watching the anime again then the movies. I then found out about the OVA's/Magic Files and got even more hooked.In the end I got so hooked that I watched all the movies/OVA's/Magic Files 5x in a month. I also managed to watch all to eps from 400-602( I'm waiting for the new eps to come up and be subbed but it's goiing to takee forever!!!). I got so hooked that i managed to hook a friend to it!
Now I think of Detective Conan everyday (it's kinda hard not to), have become more observent(don't know why), have become like a screaming mad fan yelling at Gosho Aoyama demanding new eps/manga/movies/ovas's etc.( Literally,LOL ) and have become a MAD FAN
I heart Detective Conan foreves, it's like my bf sometimes (jks)