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Kid the Phantom Thief

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Kid the Phantom Thief last won the day on January 12 2024

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About Kid the Phantom Thief

  • Rank
    Hella cool boi
  • Birthday 03/14/1997

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  1. For all US citizens: What is your opinion of Donald Trump? How much do you know about him and his policies vs. how much does the media want you to know/tell you? Just a curious question, because it seems to me that everyone in Europe just swallows whatever the media throws in their face raw, without any sort critical thinking.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. DCUniverseAficionado


      ...to do. The Republicans created this monster by appealing to those who left the Democratic Party due to Civil Rights in the 60s, and clothing it in certain rhetoric. Now, though, that base wants payback and power, so here's a presumptive nominee with no dog-whistle words. He just says what the GOP base utterly agrees with. The crows really have come home to roost, and some Republicans are left in a damned-if-I-do, damned-if-I-don't-situation.

    3. DCUniverseAficionado


      A man of Trump's caliber should be nowhere near the nuclear button, so I intend to vote for the Democratic nominee on November 8th.

    4. DCUniverseAficionado


      And one more thing—he makes up his own facts. He just spews BS, and has no idea how governance in this country actually works.

      Those who support him are blinded by cynicism and/or anger. Candidates like him are exactly why I emphasize skepticism over cynicism. Ironically, those who go on about how everything sucks are exhibiting their own kind of naiveté, but they then accuse people like me of naiveté. Ah, the eternally disappointed members of circular firing squads...

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