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Detective Conan World

Detective Erwin

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Everything posted by Detective Erwin

  1. Thankyou! Miharu! I'm Erwin, a Detective :P

  2. that's cute! thankyou!!! :)

  3. Thankyou Sayomi!~ I'm Erwin, a Detective :P

  4. thankyou!!!~ I'm Erwin, a Detective :P

  5. Heyy! I'm Erwin, a Detective :D

  6. thank you Holmes!, I'm Erwin, a Detective (:

  7. LOL. 1st Comment/Post on my Introduction! XD

  8. Hello Everyone! I'm Erwin, a Detective Feel free to post/visit/spam/add-me-as-a-friend/or-what-ever-it-is on my wall. Don't worry, i don't bite.
  9. ah, eh!? i don't know what to say anymore -__-

  10. LOL. Really!? not kidding!? XD I'm Erwin. thanks :D

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