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Detective Conan World

Sherlock Lupin

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Status Updates posted by Sherlock Lupin

  1. Hello~! Welcome to DCW, you Wonderful Person!

  2. I feel like I'm neglecting the newbies here; I'm sorry you guys~! I'm just really busy right now; I can't welcome you when I want to. *sighs* It's saddening...

    1. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      I don't know why this person(who shall remain unnamed) chose me, but although I felt a little guilty at first, I'm finding this person really rude at the moment. Apparently, they were told that I always "take care of newbies." That's not my job, and I do it simply because I want to.

    2. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Yeah, (s)he was rude. Don't feel any guilt, please?

    3. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      Don't worry, I feel no more guilt,KtPT-kun. I'm just going to try and forget about it.

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  3. Oh, for DCW help? I'm soo sorry I'm not on when you're on! I'm finally in high school, and I'm involved in fall sports, so I'm really busy right now. I wish I was on more :(

  4. What do people recommend me as? A Beta-reader? A emoticon specialist? It's pretty flattering to hear that, but I'm not quite sure what I did.

  5. Welcome to DCW, you wonderful person!

  6. Hello, I'm glad that you're back on DCW~! People tell you that I'm awesome(and stuff)? I'm just a person, so I don't know how awesome that is...

  7. After 3 hours of computer maintenance, that arrived late and somehow got lost IN MY HOUSE, it was discovered that the modem was pretty much dead, so it got replaced with a brand new one. Hopefully, no more blink outs.

  8. Happy Birthday, your picture's too cute~

  9. I lost the internet over night.. :/

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      DX What's wrong with your internet?

    2. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      It's the modem; it keeps refusing to work.

    3. Fluffy Ears

  11. HEY!!! Welcome to DCW~~! Why don't you post an intro in the introduction forum in your own topic so we can get to know you better!!!

    An answer to your user name: Conan; Naruto was my first manga-love, but Conan is just to awesome for me not to let it win that battle.

  12. That name sounds awesome, and no one's thought of it yet, so it's all yours~!

  13. Parkur, really??? Photo Finish?!? Couldn't think of any other pony?

    1. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      I'm not that indecisive!

    2. Parkur


      but she's awesome, one of my faves :)

    3. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      Well... that does make it a little better.

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