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Detective Conan World

Sherlock Lupin

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Status Updates posted by Sherlock Lupin

  1. I just realized that I'm anonymous right now...

    1. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      It doesn't really, I had just forgotten about it since I logged in. I don't even remember doing it.

    2. BK201
    3. Fluffy Ears
    4. Show next comments  36 more
  2. HEY!! Welcome to DCW~~~~~~~!!!!

  3. Cause I was bored this morning. I never changed it.


  5. I'm doing some homework right now... I'm boored

  6. I'm swamped by a bunch of stuff for school. Oh how I loathe it.

  7. Out of sheer curiosity, who is your favorite pony from MLP? Mine's Octavia~

  8. I know I'm not the only one, but it still gets to me.

  9. It's okay, I get this question a lot. I'm just not a people person. I just can't deal with people face-to-face.

  10. It's not just my school system, it's school in general. I can't stand being around that many people for so long.

  11. Because as much as I love learning, the school system and I do not agree.

  12. You know, I'm not so sure...

  13. Happy Birthday, you wonderful person!!

  14. Sometimes, I wish I was older...

  15. I started school in august, and I finish in May with breaks here and there in between. High school is from Year 9-12, and then we have university.

  16. I have 30 more weeks of school left in the school year, but I sadly am only in Year 9.

  17. I'm heading into my sixth week of school, so I'm almost used to it.

  18. You're welcome!

    And I'm doing great, how about you?

  19. Happy Birthday, you wonderful person!!

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