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Detective Conan World

Sherlock Lupin

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Status Updates posted by Sherlock Lupin

  1. Yeah, that's what I though too. It's pretty advanced for a regular forum. But that's what makes DCW so special.

  2. YES! I have to think of a name for you. Valentine... Valentino... Barentain(Japanese pronunciation)...

    Baren... Vick...Bu~ikku... change the B to a V...

    You are officially Vu~Bar for reasons stated above!

  3. If you call me that, I'll call you tonsoPyre! :)

  4. Welcome!! Okay, one thing: to reply to a comment someone left on your profile, you leave a comment on theirs.

  5. Yeah, but not enough actually put it in their name!

  6. OH MY GOSH; another Holmes fan joined!! I welcome you, Watson!

  7. You're a dub fan, right? Well welcome to DCW!!

  8. HELLUR THAR!!! Welcome to DCW!!

  9. Maybe he wanted to be more than best friends?

  10. Thank you much; I'm sure I'll take you up on the offer.

    I do have one friend I've grown up with, but he switched schools this year. People used to call us twins because we were so similar. He even likes DC; I miss him like heck. We still talk sometimes, but we're always so busy.

    So, I'm done with my venting, and I have a short story to write for AP English; ...

  11. I don't mean to vent at you; sorry if I am.

    My parental units only care about grades and refuse to let me try an other method of schooling, so there's no theoretical way for me to try and finish early. High school kind of sucks.

    Stupid people are stupid people, and I wish they would just get a muzzle because they irk me so much.

  12. To post on other people's wall/page, you can go to their accounts and post a comment.

    It's best to post an intro in the forum "Introduce Yourself" and get to know all the active members. You can ask questions about being new, and more people can answer them.

  13. I would avoid them, but I have them in almost all of my classes. I don't have any in my Honors classes, but I'm in a room with upperclassmen who feel the need to judge me.

    People who talk just to hear the sound of their own voices are the worst. It's a constant nagging that won't go away.

  14. Let's see, school started, and I remembered why I love summer so much: I don't like my RL peers, and I can avoid them for a long time. They're annoying and immature, and I wish I was with people who used their brains all the time.

    So, I not doing so hot... I should get better by October though.

  15. Finally hit 250 posts... took me FOREVER. I'm pretty sure I have the smallest post count of all the active members.

    1. Amaranth


      Yeah, Lissie-chan! You can do it!!!

    2. Vick-Valentine


      My post count would love to disagree~


    3. kudo shinichi kun

      kudo shinichi kun

      hi sherlock lupin could you plz teach me more things about dcw

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