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Detective Conan World

Sherlock Lupin

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Status Updates posted by Sherlock Lupin

  1. Oh, it's your birthday today? Well then, Happy Birthday Par-kun. :P

  2. Whoops, ignore that last part. Looked at the wrong date!

  3. Happy Birthday!! I wish you'd become active again.

  4. Hey, thanks for the add! Welcome to the DCW forum; post around and have fun!!

  5. Hey, thanks for the add! Welcome to DCW!! Post around and have fun!

  6. HELLO!!! Welcome to DCW!!!

  7. 3 days into high school, and there's already a rumor about me...

    1. IdentityUnknown
    2. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      Not as bad as they can get. Apparently, I burst into tears during volleyball practice because I wasn't invited to this party(the WHOLE grade is invited, might I add, and I was one of the people that actually got an invitation, unlike about 150 people).

      True story:

      I was crying because I crashed into the bleachers chasing after a ball my teammate shanked. Skin came off, and I was bleeding.

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief
    4. Show next comments  60 more
  8. Happy Birthday, Monsi!

  9. I figured I'd take this to the comments , so we can stay on topic.

    I'm being consumed by school, how about you?

  10. Quote of the Day: "What you do in this world is a matter of no consequence. ... The question is, what can you make people believe that you have done." ~Sherlock Holmes

  11. I love to see who's creeping on my profile page; it's fun~

  12. Hello, hello, hello~! Welcome to DCW!!

  13. Hell, hello, hello~! Welcome to DCW!!

  14. Hello, hello, hello~! Welcome to DCW!!

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