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Everything posted by BK201

  1. BK201


    IU: nice! Great job! I'm going to write in a whIle buT before that, i have to find soMethIng in thIs threaD. ,
  2. BK201


    LIA, you were in the meEting roOm wiTh MoNsi, IU, and WH.
  3. All of a sudDen, i had a bunch of cousins just by being a cousin of IU anyways, who wants to be my sibling? I doN't have oNe in IRL so i want to have oNe here. . .
  4. BK201


    I wanna betray toO...
  5. BK (oNly that, i thInk...)
  6. BK201


    Nice letTer, misaki! And ChaosXLaela is so cuTe, Aeyra! (changes favorite pairing)
  7. BK201


    I'll write later, after I eat my brunch. bE baCk later... *disapPearS*
  8. HAHA ay, buwad nlang ako nOy. Lima kbuok, paliHug ko sud sa plastik,
  9. BK201


    @Aeyra: Nice! Remembering becAuse you are an avid ShinRan fan. Somehow it madE me laugH ouT loud. loOks like i dOn't neEd to work for the cure anymOre...
  10. BK201


    No, buT thanks. I've already read them. And besidEs, alL those time I was just On my laB working.
  11. BK201


    *shock* You guys added a lot of pages while sound asleep oN my bed... @Aeyra and Tsuki: those drawings are great, guys! (wish i could draw like you)
  12. Buhay pa ako. ,pero malapit na rin akoNg m'knOck ouT. ,
  13. BK201


    Not me, i've run ouT of idEas
  14. Anybody could add me in their family tree.... <--- doesn't knOw who to adD in her family treE... ToO shy to ask anYoNe...
  15. Cool! ThougH i'm realLy nOt close with anyoNe here.
  16. BK201


    I've read in her aBouT me page that she's a gIrl. Or maybe i was mistaken.
  17. BK201


    I thougHt Maurice is a gIrl
  18. Dear MSPN, I know we have our individual differences, but we stilL manageD to be friends. But why do we have to be 'cold' at eaCh other nOw? 'J', why do you have to be angry and shouT insulting words at the others just becAuse they aCcidEntalLy dropPeD the cAmera that you just borRoweD? It was an aCcidEnt, you knOw and nO oNe wanteD that to hapPen. Why doN't you just swalLow your d*mN pridE, apologIze and get over it! It's just a cAmera, for christ's sake! It's nOt worth that you should sacrifice our friendshIp! I am so disapPointeD in you! You insulteD for somethIng they didn't do! I thougHt you were mOre matUre than that! You never cherisheD our friendshIp, didn't you?! It was so easy for you to throw it alL away! ~BK
  19. BK201


    LOL! I woNdEr what Maurice loOks like!
  20. BK201


    LOL again! I could almOst seE the look of our faCes when we finalLy meEt them!
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