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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by ikg

  1. Wow! i haven't been here for a longggg longggg time! OMG i'm now in the uni but still addicted to CONAN (of cause, i'm proud being addicted lol) :D

  2. When i'm so tried of learning Science, always think of Conan. Fight for my idol! haha!!>o<

    1. nis-aihara


      Welcome to my world. . .

  3. Tomorrow... Entrance exams :(

  4. After final examinations... the end of semester is here already!! >o<;;

  5. ikg

    Haha! Thank you so muchh! <3

  6. Thank you so muchh! ^^

  7. ikg

    Thank you so much. ^^

  8. Thanks thanks thanks. :D

  9. Yeah.. thanks you so much. ^^

  10. Do trees think? =0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ikg


      Right. but what do you think? =)

    3. detective-EP


      Sometimes when I'm depressed and I don't have anybody to talk with. I would go to the forest nearby and talk out to the trees so yes I think that can think bus it's just my opinion:)

    4. AiSuigetsu
  11. I miss my older sister so much, too much, very much!! She is an exchange student to America. I'm going to see her again a year after! :(

  12. I am trying for grade 10 Entrance Examination. I wannabe 'A student in the best school' of my country. Fight with 25000 people to be one of 240 people in that school! :)

  13. Midterm Examination on TOMORROW! =0

  14. Ok! Just deoxyribo nucleic acid, gene, AT and CG, replication, m-RNA, Transcription, t-RNA and blah blah blah! *;(

    1. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      <3s the Central Dogma

  15. ikg

    Happy Birthday! :)

  16. Nice to meet you too! :D

    I'm not new member but I haven't known anything much. -_-

  17. Midterm examination on next week! =_=;

  18. Which is easier, Math or Science? -__-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      @Anti-APTX4869 agreed

    3. IdentityUnknown


      Er...I like Science better. But I'm fine with both.

    4. Hejle


      I depends on my mood...

  19. I'll start 9th Grade tomorrow. I have to go back to school and back to homework!! // *I'm crying.* ToT

    1. phantomlady1101


      Heh, but with me, summer holiday is starting!!!

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