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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by ikg

  1. ikg


    You can search on Youtube
  2. 14 Degree Celcius with the lunch!!!! -- Gobal Warming is coming! ---- can't believe today is SUMMER !!!! ;(

    1. Cheesus


      further study is needed.

  3. A really cold day with the rain, I really like the rain :*)

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief
    2. edogawamary
    3. ikg


      lol -- I think the rain makes the tree and everything looks green !!! ^o^''

  4. Oyama Gosho is fine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

    1. ikg


      I wish Japan didn't have any bad news again ;(

  5. I love all of Conan the movies :D

  6. Yesterday I went to 7-11 and I found .... GIN and VODKA !!!!!!!! =_________=;
  7. School Breakk !! The end of Grade 8 !! Summer Holidayy !! =)

    1. edogawamary


      I'm in the opposite situation, I go to school tomorrow, today is my last day of vacation, noooo! D: xD

    2. Detective Kudo

      Detective Kudo

      i'm half way done with my school year

  8. Today and Tomorrow --> Final Exam !!!!!! ='(

    1. ikg


      Tomorrow => Supp Math, Social, and English - -*

    2. Detective Kudo

      Detective Kudo

      you will do just fine

    3. Aeyra


      Poor you... Good luck though!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  9. ikg

    HBD -- wish you great health and happiness :)

  10. Heyy ! happy birthday ><;

    Wish you great health and happiness !!!!!

  11. Hey ! Today is your birthday ???

    HBD -- hope you're happy !!! ^o^

  12. Nothing is impossible ? -- Anything is possible ?

    1. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      Except flying without wings or a plane.

  13. Hope is no use -- If it's impossible

  14. I'm a new member -- nice to meet you all :)

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