asdf, I can't seem to find the images I'm planning for this tutorial, so I shall do the written portion for now~
Some critical thinking:
Say you want to draw a Christmas present. On this Christmas present there will be a pretty red bow and wrapping paper with little christmas trees on it.
Now how would you start drawing this present? Would you start with the bow? Would you start drawing the trees on the wrapping paper?
There are many ways of drawing it, but for myself I like to start with BIG SHAPES. I would first draw the BOX, then draw the BOW on the box, then decorate the box by drawing trees on the side of the box.
In the same way when I draw CONAN, I would start with the shape of the body, then the head shape, THEN I would add the eyes, nose, and hair.
By drawing this way, it is easier to not make mistake and keep 2 or more characters consistent size.
(Drawing examples coming up)
If you don't feel comfortable with drawing the big shape, an excellent way of getting the hang of it is to draw over drawings. Note that you're not COPYING EVERYTHING. You're just trying to figure out what Conan's head and body look like.