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Detective Conan World

Unwavering Fan Of Conan

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Everything posted by Unwavering Fan Of Conan

  1. Thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday yesterday Really brightened up my day.

    1. Kaito Natake

      Kaito Natake

      happy late birthday, random dcw-er

    2. Kaito Natake

      Kaito Natake

      happy late birthday, random dcw-er

  2. It's my birthday! I'm so flipping happy! I turned 15 today!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wildheart888



    3. TheBlackTac


      And now, you turned 15~ Time just went so fast, Y'know? (x Happy Birthday! :)

    4. ShinRan1742
  3. i am not afraid to talk to the voices in my head, so long as they say the first words

  4. Can't wait for movie 15! Sounds so awesome!

    1. Aeyra


      I know! So can't I! But I've heard the English subs won't be out until December... TT-TT

    2. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      December?! The movie comes out in the summer.

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