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Status Updates posted by IdentityUnknown

  1. I slept at 3 and woke at 9. <.< You should do the same. :P

  2. I attend a tech-school, Misaki. :P As long as I time it right, I can get online at almost any hour of the day.

  3. I didn't? O_o I think I told most people.

    I already fell asleep in the middle of writing my essay. Teaches me to not stay up late. :x

  4. Hmm...maybe it was just KKLT then...


  5. And what are you doing up so early anyways?

  6. My New Year...excluding the awesome service on Sunday, meh. I'm starting the next chapter of Taken though.

    ...Get to sleep.

  7. Like I said, you better.

    Gotta run now. Have a good rest of the break! (You lucky duck <_<)

  8. dorothy! \o/

    ...I'm not your friend anymore? ;______________;

  9. \o/ <333

    How are you? (I might be late to reply, btw)

  10. Mmm...tired and wishing break was longer? And maybe just a tad down. Nothing big though.

  11. Can't blame them. :x

    Bye! Seeya!

  12. *hugs* You're back! <333333333333333

    Good luck with your exams! <33333333333333 Tell me about London when you finish!

  13. :o You changed your name?!
  14. Awesomeness. :D Mythology is awesome. :D Norse is great, though I don't read about it as much as Greek or Roman mythology.

  15. Hey, it's not your fault. *hugs* I just need a little time. I should be the one saying sorry.

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