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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by IdentityUnknown

  1. ... -__- *doesn't really care about the Revolutionary War and stuff that happened before that*

    Be awesome like me and focus on WW2.

  2. D:

    Death is playing?! :o 5 bucks says she's BO.

  3. Awww. D: I liked Death. D:

  4. \o/

    You owe me 5 bucks. :V

  5. (Man, should've gone with instinct and said 20)

  6. I said you betted so you did. Now 5 bucks please. :D

  7. Because I said so. :D

    D: You can give me virtual money. ;____________________;

  8. :D

    *puts in jar labelled Android/Photoshop CS5/Tablet*

  9. Saving money a dollar at a time. :D

    Speaking of saving, I found an old wallet of mine still had money yesterday. $100+. :D My little self liked saving money~

  10. :D

    ...And then mom came and took it away. :<

    I'll have to save some other way. >.>

    Speaking of which, should I get tablet/Android/CS5?

  11. I have CS4. I want CS5. :<

    I'm just scared that if I get a tablet I won't be able to draw well with it. That would be a waste of money.

  12. ... >.>



    I...don't know. <.< >.> I just don't want to waste money on a product that I can't use properly.

    What's the average (cheapest) price for a good Wacom Bamboo tablet?

  13. Would it be good quality? What's the best type of tablet (regardless of cost)?

  14. Connect/Create/Capture/Fun? :x

  15. What are the differences in programs?

  16. :P Nah, it's fine. Just wondering if I need more alone time to ponder...well, stuff.
  17. Don't know about silence, just...don't know. :/

    Can we talk in a PM instead?

  18. Gosh. >.> You get sick TOO often. >.> Do you know how much it worries me?

  19. (What exactly are you doing to yourself? :x)

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