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Status Updates posted by IdentityUnknown

  1. You'll die saying "I'm ok, don't worry about me." >.>

  2. *points at nonexistent conversation*


  3. Senior Mutou!

    *facepalm* Certain parts of this anime (so far) are ok, but some...no, no, no. And the story guy just creeps me out. He's such a sadist.




  5. Well, I can't say I love the overexaggerated changes between Duck and Tutu. Nor did I get Anteater. But I did like how the story teller mentions how Tutu never gets to be with her prince . I also like Rue. Can't say I love Duck's character at this point, I constantly facepalm (though I did actually like her reaction when she heard about Tutu's end).

  6. As for Tutu herself, bit too much of a Mary-Sue kind of person at this point.

  7. So, overall it's decent and I will continue watching it.

  8. Yes, kinda. It's better than certain animes that have had me pausing every 10 seconds to facepalm/headdesk.

    ...Actually, it's much better than those. >.>

  9. Will have to depend. 1st season = 13 episodes, right?

    And have you started Angel Beats yet? ::)

  10. Maybe I'll stay a little longer. :P

  11. ...Or not, seeing as you probably aren't here anymore. :<

  12. <3

    *stays with Misaki for a little longer*

  13. :P

    You wanna talk on a private chat instead?

  14. Stop pushing the decision onto me, I don't care either. :x Is it easier on IRC?

  15. Mmm.

    (Sorry for late reply, was watching PT)

    /me slaps Fakir or whatever his name is

  16. I don't know if I like Mutou much though (is that how you spell his name?). He's so...so emotionless. I know it's because he has no heart but... :|

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