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Everything posted by IdentityUnknown

  1. *points at nonexistent conversation*


  2. Nah, it's fine BK, we know you're busy. Mark decided it was time to revive himself like we all knew he would and the Bunker Boys joined up with a couple other gangs. Right now, most of us (excluding Mark, Tsukiko, and Aeyra) are in the van heading towards the place where Aeyra and Tsukiko were last at with Nero and co. They moved out though right now the people in the van don't know that, so Lia, Chelsea, Misaki, and I are heading to check it out. The rest of you are staying in the van under my orders (BK, you're in the driver's seat) for 30 minutes and if we aren't back by then you have my order to go and leave us. By the way, Tsukiko's memories have been replaced by Laela's and we're trying to wrap things up.
  3. "Shut up and listen." "Just stop to consider someone else for a moment. Is it that difficult?" "No matter who you are or where you are, there is always someone better out there, someone worse out there, and someone who feels exactly the same out there." "There are some things that just can't be replaced."
  4. I wish I could play MM. ;____;
  5. Sorry Tsukiko. ^^ I remember looking up and noting that you were there but forgot to add you in.
  6. I should post, shouldn't I... Since we have started neglecting people: People in Van: - IU - KKLT - Monsi - BK - WildHeart - Lia - Chelsea - Misaki - Cure-kun - Sayomi People with Nero and co: - Aeyra - Tsukiko People with Mark: - Mark I probably forgot a few people so please remind me. --- IdentityUnknown parked the car in the parking lot about a 5 minute walk away from where Aeyra and co. should be. "BK, Monsi, KKLT, Cure-kun, and WildHeart, stay in the van. If we don't come back in half an hour, assume the worst. Don't try any heroics. BK, you're driving, should anything happen get out. Don't bother waiting for us unless we call you. KKLT, you're in charge. Monsi..." IdentityUnknown lingered over Monsi's bewildered and angry face. "Until you recover your memories, you're staying out of the action. I don't know if we've explained enough to you but if something happens to you it's purely our fault and might endanger you." IdentityUnknown cleared her throat. "Lia, Misaki, and Chelsea will be coming with me. We'll all have phones and if we have trouble, we'll call immediately. If you receive a call from us and it sounds like trouble, get out of here. If it's telling you to stay, stay. Any texts should be ignored, along with any questioning on your current location. Any information that we should know shouldn't be given to anyone. Kay?" Everyone nodded. "Alright," IdentityUnknown said, taking in a breath. "Let's go. --- Reasonings for split: IU - active (leading) Lia - inactive (I felt like taking her along and not leaving too many inactive people behind) Misaki - active (knowledge on shooting) Chelsea - ? (knowledge on shooting) Result: 1 active person, 1 inactive, 1 who is confused and uncertain. Enough to hold conversations. KKLT - active (leading) BK - semi-active (driving) Monsi - semi-active (memory loss) Cure-kun - inactive WildHeart - semi-active Sayomi - inactive I put more people in the van so fewer people are likely to be captured.
  7. It's good. Though the title strikes me as odd. :V
  8. I wish I was better at everything.
  9. You'll die saying "I'm ok, don't worry about me." >.>

  10. No, it wasn't. I was putting it in context of Ed0's age. And besides, if I was that narrow-minded, I would've looked down upon my parents' marriage. They're 7 years apart. And if you'll note, I said that 1-2 is not a reason to turn someone down. Never said that anything past that is a reason. It's also a matter of maturity. Everything depends on the two parties involved.
  11. (What exactly are you doing to yourself? :x)

  12. Gosh. >.> You get sick TOO often. >.> Do you know how much it worries me?

  13. Depends on age difference. For instance, I'm pretty sure that I would turn down a 3 year old. But if they're only 1 or 2 years apart, no...not really. If you don't like them, turn them down. I don't want someone to say they like me because they'd feel bad if they didn't.
  14. They obviously bought their wigs at the same store.
  15. Sorry Monsi...it's just that it's easier for all of us this way...
  16. IdentityUnknown


    I AM NOT. I'm sorry! ;______________________; They made me do it! *goes in corner to cry*
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