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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by IdentityUnknown

  1. "Tell us what you were doing," Chelsea said through gritted teeth. "Did you get anything?" questioned Misaki. "Calm down guys, I'm sure IU had a reason..." Lia begged. "Would someone explain?" Monsi demanded. "It doesn't matter," IdentityUnknown interrupted. "Come on, let's get to the van." ------ IdentityUnknown turned on the ignition and she handed a map with a location written on it and a specific building circled to Lia. "Help me with directions. I studied it but I might need a little help." "Where are we going?" asked Chelsea, still somewhat annoyed. "Aeyra, where else?" IdentityUnknown replied. "Now please be quiet, I need to concentrate." The rest of the van was quiet.
  2. Dear Anonymous, *curls up in ball and sleeps* ~ Jean --- Dear Anonymous, For your information, it's 145 now. ~ Jean
  3. You can call it that.

    Oh, and I gotta go. Seeya!

  4. Or maybe I'm testing you. Take it whatever way you want. :P

  5. Aww. D: But diving is so... <333333333333 And that's pretty sweet. Why'd you name it Diventures if it has nothing to do with diving? =X
  6. Whether you're telling the truth and if you deserve it. :P

  7. I needed a reason because I questioned your integrity and because I didn't believe you really wanted it. Now I feel you deserve it. I may be wrong, but time will tell.

    And wb means "Welcome back."

  8. IdentityUnknown was so focused on her work that she didn't hear the lock click until the door creaked open. Immediately on her guard, she sprang up, only to see the triumphant face of Misaki (holding a hair pin), the annoyed look of Cure-kun, the apologetic look of Lia, the bewildered look of Monsi, the slightly angry look of Chelsea, and the sheepish look of KKLT. "Did you honestly think we wouldn't notice that your computer was gone?" huffed Chelsea. "I thought we were in on this together!" IdentityUnknown rubbed her head slightly. "Hi?" ------ Really short, yes, but no time to make it longer.
  9. *gasp*


  10. No, I haven't. I'll check it out though. Thanks. :)

  11. But I didn't say it, so don't.

  12. Maybe my presence doesn't exist anymore. :V

  13. IdentityUnknown checked her watch. Aeyra should be free around now... She went to the bathroom, locked the door, and took out her phone. The other girls were out at the minute, but being cautious always helped. Turning on the shower, she went to her call history and clicked on the most recent, a blocked number. The phone rang and rang and rang. IdentityUnknown was just getting worried when it was picked up. "Hello?" she whispered into the phone. There was no reply, though she could hear slight rustling. Clothes. Aeyra's phone was in her pocket. That must mean... IdentityUnknown briefly remembered the last time she'd picked up a call like that before brushing the thought away. If Aeyra was willing to pick up but couldn't talk, that meant that she was in some kind of trouble. "...so...I'll have to resort to force." Well that confirmed it. IdentityUnknown slipped out of the bathroom, took her laptop, and retreated. Aeyra said they were in NYC... Suddenly, a message popped up on her phone. It read: CONNECT TO COMPUTER IdentityUnknown did as it said and an address appeared on the screen. She quickly scanned it and disconnected the phone, holding it back to her ear. The other end had hung up. For some reason, IdentityUnknown couldn't say she was surprised. ------ We might as well join up now. And I'm guessing either Nero has the phone at the moment or Aeyra pressed some kind of function that sends a distress signal and address or something. And hanging up...well, there isn't much possibility a call like that can last very long without being discovered. P.S. I hope that your phone isn't loud. =X
  14. I wouldn't be here. Which may or may not be a good thing.
  15. Been reading just for the heck of it. Just finished Yellow and starting Gold/Silver. Liking it so far, though Gold and Silver don't seem to be appealing to me much yet. =X
  16. You are not gradually forgotten. ;____;

  17. Dear Anonymous Is it wrong that I hear your voice even when you're not here? ~ Anonymous
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